soiree 英 ['swɑːreɪ]  


soiree  英 ['swɑːreɪ]

n. (法)晚会;社交聚会;黄昏时的聚会 


This was their grand opening and they were hosting a chic soiree to celebrate the event. 今天就是他们的开张吉日,他们准备举办一场隆重的晚宴来庆祝这一日子。
You may even find yourself sitting next to famed music-poster artist Coop or revered painter Van Arno, as we did at a recent Sketchy Servitu soiree. 你可能会惊讶的发现你身边坐的是著名的音乐海报画家库普或让人肃然起敬的画家范·阿诺,正如我们在最近的素描赛尔维图派对上看到的那样。

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  • n. (法)晚会;社交聚会;黄昏时的聚会
  • 1. This was their grand opening and they were hosting a chic soiree to celebrate the event.


  • 2. You may even find yourself sitting next to famed music-poster artist Coop or revered painter Van Arno, as we did at a recent Sketchy Servitu soiree.


  • 3. We agree the soiree was arranged by him.


  • soiree (n.) "an evening party," 1793, from French soirée, from soir "evening," from Old French soir "evening, night" (10c.), from Latin sero (adv.) "late, at a late hour," from serum "late hour," neuter of serus "late," from PIE *se-ro-, suffixed form of root *se- (2) "long, late" (source also of Sanskrit sayam "in the evening," Lithuanian sietuva "deep place in a river," Old English sið "after," German seit "since," Gothic seiþus "late," Middle Irish sith, Middle Breton hir "long"). For suffix, compare journey.
soirée / ˈswɑːreɪ ; NAmE swɑːˈreɪ / noun ( from French) ( formal) a formal party in the evening, especially at sb's home (尤指在家里举行的)社交晚会 soirée soirées soirée / ˈswɑːreɪ ; NAmE swɑːˈreɪ /
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