socialized ['soʃə,laɪz]  


socialized  ['soʃə,laɪz]

adj. 社会化  v. 使社会化(socialize的过去分词);社交 

They can be socialized if raised with lots of human contact in captivity, but still retain their full wild memories. 如果被束缚在与很多人接触的环境中长大,它们可以被社会化,但仍然要保持它们充足的野性。
Lest readers charge me with conflict of interest, I should add that, though we've stayed in touch off and on, we've never socialized. 为了避免读者指责我利益冲突,我应该补充一点,虽然我们保持着时有时无的联系,我们从来没有一起社交过。

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  • adj. 社会化
  • v. 使社会化(socialize的过去分词);社交
  • 1. They can be socialized if raised with lots of human contact in captivity, but still retain their full wild memories.


  • 2. Lest readers charge me with conflict of interest, I should add that, though we've stayed in touch off and on, we've never socialized.


  • 3. You were probably born with your true self. It was and is your deep and natural core before you were socialized to be something different.


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