snappy 英 [ˈsnæpi]   美 [ˈsnæpi]


snappy  英 [ˈsnæpi] 美 [ˈsnæpi]

adj. 厉声说话的;生气勃勃的;时髦的;爽快的 

比较级:snappier  最高级:snappiest 

I love the snappy crunch of cucumbers mixed with grains in side dishes, these two are favorites. 我喜欢黄瓜混合谷粒做配菜爽快的嘎吱噶嘎吱的咀嚼声,这两个是最爱。
But the snappy terms are misleading, implying something that is as inevitable for men as the menopause is for women. 但是时髦的说法是带有误导性的,这暗示着男性也有某种和女性的绝经期一样不可避免的东西。

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  • adj. 厉声说话的;生气勃勃的;时髦的;爽快的
  • 1. I love the snappy crunch of cucumbers mixed with grains in side dishes, these two are favorites.


  • 2. But the snappy terms are misleading, implying something that is as inevitable for men as the menopause is for women.


  • 3. No deep thoughts here; this is a product of shiny surfaces and snappy patter, the cinematic equivalent of a derivatives offering.


  • snappy (adj.) "quick, energetic," 1825, from snap (v.) + -y (2). Meaning "clever, smart" is from 1871; that of "neat and stylishly elegant" is from 1881. Related: Snappily; snappiness. Command make it snappy attested from 1910.
snappy / ˈsnæpi ; NAmE ˈsnæpi / adjective ( snap·pier , snap·pi·est ) 1 (of a remark, title, etc. 言语、标题等 ) clever or amusing and short 精练的;简洁的 a snappy slogan 精练的口号 a snappy answer 简洁的回答 2 [usually before noun ] ( informal) attractive and fashionable 漂亮入时的 a snappy outfit 漂亮的套装 She's a snappy dresser. 她衣着入时。 3 (of people or their behaviour 人或其行为 ) tending to speak to people in a bad-tempered, impatient way 烦躁的;没好气的 4 lively; quick 活泼的;敏捷的 a snappy tune 活泼的曲调 snap·pily / ; NAmE / adverb He summarized the speech snappily. 他对讲话做了精练的摘要。 snappily dressed 衣着入时的 ‘What?’ she asked snappily. “什么?”她不耐烦地问。 snap·pi·ness / ˈsnæpinəs ; NAmE ˈsnæpinəs / noun [uncountable ] IDIOM ˌmake it ˈsnappy ( informal) used to tell sb to do sth quickly or to hurry (用于催促)赶紧,快点 snappy snappier snappiest snappy / ˈsnæpi ; NAmE ˈsnæpi / snap·pily / ; NAmE / snap·pi·ness / ˈsnæpinəs ; NAmE ˈsnæpinəs /
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