smokescreen 美['smok'skrin]  


smokescreen  美['smok'skrin]

n. (掩护阵地和活动的)烟幕;障眼法 


For example, the parasite that causes sleeping sickness evades our immune systems by creating a 'smokescreen' of millions of molecules on its surface. 例如,引发昏睡病的寄生虫通过在其表面创造一种由数百万个分子组成的“烟幕”来躲过人体免疫系统。
Sadly, the part of the company a networked market wants to talk to is usually hidden behind a smokescreen of hucksterism, of language that rings false—and often is. 悲哀的是,企业,作为网络性市场想要与之对话的另一方,通常躲在小贩式欺瞒主义的烟幕之后,他们的叫卖是无信义的——通常都是如此。

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  • n. (掩护阵地和活动的)烟幕;障眼法
  • 1. For example, the parasite that causes sleeping sickness evades our immune systems by creating a 'smokescreen' of millions of molecules on its surface.


  • 2. Sadly, the part of the company a networked market wants to talk to is usually hidden behind a smokescreen of hucksterism, of language that rings false—and often is.


  • 3. Chris Palmer, the technology director with the Electronic Frontier Foundation advocacy group, thinks recent rhetoric about cyber war is a "smokescreen to limit freedom of speech on the internet".


smoke·screen / ˈsməʊkskriːn ; NAmE ˈsmoʊkskriːn / noun 1 something that you do or say in order to hide what you are really doing or intending 烟幕(用以掩盖真相的言行);障眼法 2 a cloud of smoke used to hide soldiers, ships, etc. during a battle (战斗中用以掩蔽士兵、舰船等的)烟幕 smokescreen smokescreens smoke·screen / ˈsməʊkskriːn ; NAmE ˈsmoʊkskriːn /
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