slippery 英 [ˈslɪpəri]   美 [ˈslɪpəri]


slippery  英 [ˈslɪpəri] 美 [ˈslɪpəri]

adj. 滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的 

The forest is thick and the moss is slippery. 林深苔滑。
In that time Turner hopes to catch thousands of the slippery fish for his smokehouse business in the New York Catskills. 那个时候,特纳希望为他在纽约卡茨基尔的熏制房生意捉到数千条狡猾的鳗鱼。

  • Slippery things are slimy or wet, or for some other reason cause you to slide on them. A slippery fish is hard to hold in your hand, and a slippery path is easy to slip on.
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  • adj. 滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的
  • 1. The forest is thick and the moss is slippery.


  • 2. In that time Turner hopes to catch thousands of the slippery fish for his smokehouse business in the New York Catskills.


  • 3. So it must be slippery outside. Do be careful!


  • slippery (adj.) "having a slippery surface," c. 1500, from Middle English sliper (adj.) "readily slipping," from Old English slipor "slippery, having a smooth surface" (see slip (v.)) + -y (2). Metaphoric sense of "deceitful, untrustworthy" is first recorded 1550s. Related: Slipperiness. In a figurative sense, slippery slope is first attested 1844. Slippery elm (1748) so called for its mucilaginous inner bark.
slip·pery / ˈslɪpəri ; NAmE ˈslɪpəri / adjective 1 ( also informal slippy ) difficult to hold or to stand or move on, because it is smooth, wet or polished 滑的;滑得抓不住(或站不稳、难以行走)的 slippery like a fish 滑得像条鱼似的 In places the path can be wet and slippery. 这条小径有些路段又湿又滑。 His hand was slippery with sweat. 他的手汗津津的。 2 ( informal) (of a person ) that you cannot trust 油滑的;滑头滑脑的;靠不住的 Don't believe what he says—he's a slippery customer. 他说什么你可别信,他是个滑头的家伙。 3 ( informal) (of a situation, subject, problem, etc. 情况、课题、问题等 ) difficult to deal with and that you have to think about carefully 难以应对的;棘手的 Freedom is a slippery concept (= because its meaning changes according to your point of view). 自由是一个难以明确的概念。 IDIOM the/a slippery ˈslope a course of action that is difficult to stop once it has begun, and can lead to serious problems or disaster 使人滑向深渊的斜坡;危险的境地 slip·pery / ˈslɪpəri ; NAmE ˈslɪpəri /
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