slavishly ['slevɪʃli]  


slavishly  ['slevɪʃli]

adv. 奴隶般地 

Apple says Samsung's Galaxy line of mobile phones and tablets "slavishly" copied its iPhone and iPad. 苹果表示三星的银河系列手机和平板“奴隶般的”复制了它的iphone和ipad。
The further it gets from its original revolutionary fervor, the more slavishly it clings to all its constitutive principles, which it sees as the only certainty in an uncertain world. 它越是背离那最初的革命狂热,它就越是盲目地抓住它建立的那些教条不放,那些是被它看作是在一个不确定的世界里面唯一确定的东西。

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  • adv. 奴隶般地
  • 1. Apple says Samsung's Galaxy line of mobile phones and tablets "slavishly" copied its iPhone and iPad.


  • 2. The further it gets from its original revolutionary fervor, the more slavishly it clings to all its constitutive principles, which it sees as the only certainty in an uncertain world.


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