- Situation is related to the verb "situate," which means to place. A building might be situated on the top of a hill — that's its position or situation.
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- n. 情况;形势;
1. to be in adifficult situation
2. We have all been in similar embarrassing situations.
3. the present economic/financial/political, etc. situation
4. The town is in a delightful situation in a wide green valley.
- situation (n.) early 15c., "place, position, or location," from Middle French situation or directly from Medieval Latin situationem (nominative situatio) "a position, situation," noun of action from past participle stem of situare "to place, locate," from Latin situs "a place, position" (from PIE root *tkei- "to settle, dwell, be home"). Meaning "state of affairs" is from 1710; meaning "employment post" is from 1803.
situ·ation ★ / ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn ; NAmE ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn / noun 1 ★ all the circumstances and things that are happening at a particular time and in a particular place 情况;状况;形势;局面 ◆ to be in adifficult situation 处境困难 ◆ You could get into a situation whereyou have to decide immediately. 你可能遇上一种情况,使你不得不立刻作出决定。 ◆ We have all been in similar embarrassing situations. 我们都遇到过类似的尴尬局面。 ◆ the present economic/financial/political, etc. situation 目前的经济、财政、政治等形势 ◆ He could see no way out of the situation. 他找不到摆脱困境的出路。 ◆ In your situation, I would look for another job. 假如我是你的话,我会另找工作。 ◆ What we have here is a crisis situation. 我们在这里所面临的是一个危急局面。 ◆ I'm in a no-win situation (= whatever I do will be bad for me). 我处在一种注定要失败的境地。 2 ( formal) the kind of area or surroundings that a building or town has (建筑物或城镇的)地理位置,环境特点 ◆ The town is in a delightful situation in a wide green valley. 小城坐落在一个宽阔而草木苍翠的河谷中,环境宜人。 3 ( old-fashioned or formal) a job 职业;工作岗位 ◆ Situations Vacant (= the title of the section in a newspaper where jobs are advertised) 招聘(报章中的招聘广告栏) IDIOMsee save v. SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 situation circumstances ◆position ◆conditions ◆things ◆the case ◆state of affairs These are all words for the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect the way things are. 以上各词均指情况、状况。 ■ situation all the things that are happening at a particular time and in a particular place 指情况、状况、形势、局面: ◆ the present economic situation 目前的经济形势 ■ circumstances the facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an event or an action; the conditions of a person's life, especially the money they have 指条件、环境、状况、境况、(尤指)经济状况: ◆ The ship sank in mysterious circumstances. 那艘船神秘地沉没了。 ■ position the situation that sb is in, especially when it affects what they can and cannot do 指处境、地位、状况: ◆ She felt she was in a position of power. 她觉得她自己有权力。 ■ conditions the circumstances in which people live, work or do things; the physical situation that affects how sth happens 指居住、工作或做事情的环境、境况、条件,影响某事发生的物质环境、状态、条件: ◆ We were forced to work outside in freezing conditions. 我们被迫在户外冰冻的环境下工作。 circumstances or conditions? 用 circumstances 还是 conditions? Circumstancesrefers to sb's financial situation; conditionsare things such as the quality and amount of food or shelter they have. The circumstancesthat affect an event are the facts surrounding it; the conditionsthat affect it are usually physical ones, such as the weather. *circumstances 指人的经济状况; conditions 指人的食宿状况。circumstances 指影响某事的周边环境; conditions 通常指影响某事的物质环境,如天气。 ■ things ( rather informal) the general situation, as it affects sb 指形势、局面、情况、事态: ◆ Hi, Jane! How are things? 喂,简,近来怎么样? ◆ Think things over before you decide. 先把情况考虑周全再作决定。 ■ the case the true situation 指实情、事实: ◆ If that is the case (= if the situation described is true),we need more staff. 如果真是那样,我们就需要更多的员工了。 ■ state of affairs a situation 指事态、情况、形势: ◆ How did this unhappy state of affairs come about? 这种不幸的情况是怎么发生的呢? situation or state of affairs? 用 situation 还是 state of affairs? State of affairsis mostly used with this.It is also used with adjectives describing how good or bad a situation is, such as happy, sorry, shocking, sadand unhappy,as well as those relating to time, such as presentand current. Situationis much more frequent and is used in a wider variety of contexts. *state of affairs 多与 this 连用,亦与表示形势好坏的形容词﹙如 happy、sorry、shocking、sad 和 unhappy ﹚以及与时间有关的形容词﹙如 present 和 current ﹚连用。situation 常用得多,且用于更广泛的语境中。 PATTERNS ◆ in(a) particular situation/circumstances/position/state of affairs ◆ the/sb's economic / economic situation/circumstances/position/conditions ◆ (a/an) happy / happy situation/circumstances/position/state of affairs ◆ to look at / look at the situation/circumstances/conditions/things ▶ situ·ation·al / ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃənl ; NAmE ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃənl / adjective situation situations situ·ation / ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn ; NAmE ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn / situ·ation·al / ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃənl ; NAmE ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃənl /
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