simple 英 [ˈsɪmpl]   美 [ˈsɪmpəl]


simple  英 [ˈsɪmpl] 美 [ˈsɪmpəl]

adj. 简单的; 

名词复数:simples  比较级:simpler  最高级:simplest 

a simple solution 简单的解决办法
The answer is really quite simple. 实际上答案相当简单。

  • Simple refers to something that's easy and uncomplicated, without too many steps to follow.
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  • adj. 简单的;
  • 1. a simple solution


  • 2. The answer is really quite simple.


  • 3. This machine is very simple to use.


  • 4. simple but elegant clothes


  • 5. We had a simple meal of soup and bread.


  • 6. Nobody wanted to believe the simple truth.


  • simple (adj.) c. 1200, "free from duplicity, upright, guileless; blameless, innocently harmless," also "ignorant, uneducated; unsophisticated; simple-minded, foolish," from Old French simple (12c.) "plain, decent; friendly, sweet; naive, foolish, stupid," hence "wretched, miserable," from Latin simplus from PIE compound *sm-plo-, from root *sem- (1) "one; as one, together with" + *-plo- "-fold."
sim·ple / ˈsɪmpl ; NAmE ˈsɪmpl / adjective ( sim·pler , sim·plest ) HELP  You can also use more simpleand most simple. 亦可用 more simple 和 most simple。 easy 容易 1 not complicated; easy to understand or do 易于理解的;易做的;简单的 SYN easy a simple solution 简单的解决办法 The answer is really quite simple. 实际上答案相当简单。 This machine is very simple to use. 这台机器操作非常简单。 We lost because we played badly. It's as simple as that. 我们输了是因为我们打得不好。原因就这么简单。 Give the necessary information but keep it simple. 说说基本情况,简单一点。 basic/plain 基本;朴素 2 basic or plain without anything extra or unnecessary 朴素的;简朴的;不加装饰的 simple but elegant clothes 素雅的衣服 We had a simple meal of soup and bread. 我们喝汤,吃面包,凑合了一顿。 The accommodation is simple but spacious. 住处简朴但宽敞。 OPP fancy for emphasis 强调 3 used before a noun to emphasize that it is exactly that and nothing else (用在名词前表示强调)纯粹的,完全的,不折不扣的 Nobody wanted to believe the simple truth. 谁也不愿意相信这明显的事实。 It was a matter of simple survival. 这完全是能不能生存的问题。 It's nothing to worry about—just a simple headache. 不用担心,只是有点儿头痛。 I had to do it for the simple reason that (= because)I couldn't trust anyone else. 我之所以这么做,纯粹是因为我信不过任何人。 synonyms at plain with few parts 少部位 4 [usually before noun ] consisting of only a few parts; not complicated in structure 部位少的;结构简单的 simple forms of life, for example amoebas 如变形虫之类的简单生命形式 a simple machine 结构简单的机器 ( grammar 语法 ) a simple sentence (= one with only one verb) 简单句 ordinary 普通 5 [only before noun ] (of a person ) ordinary; not special 普通的;一般的;平凡的 I'm a simple country girl. 我是一个普普通通的乡村姑娘。 not intelligent 智力低下 6 [not usually before noun ] (of a person ) not very intelligent; not mentally normal 智力低下;迟钝;笨 He's not mad—just a little simple. 他不是疯,只是智力稍低。 grammar 语法 7 used to describe the present or past tense of a verb that is formed without using an auxiliary verb, as in She loves him(= the simple present tense) or He arrived late(= the simple past tense) (无须用助动词构成的动词时态)简单的,一般的 see also simply IDIOMsee pure simple simpler simplest sim·ple / ˈsɪmpl ; NAmE ˈsɪmpl /
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