sign 英 [saɪn]   美 [saɪn]


sign  英 [saɪn] 美 [saɪn]

n. 符号;记号;指示牌  v. 签署;签名 

进行时:signing  过去式:signed  过去分词:signed  第三人称单数:signs  名词复数:signs 

Headaches may be a sign of stress. 头痛可能是紧张的迹象。
Call the police at the first sign of trouble. 一有闹事的苗头就叫警察。

  • A sign is a clue something happened, or a display that communicates a message, like a stop sign that tells you stop. To sign also means to write your signature.
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  • n. 符号;记号;指示牌
  • v. 签署;签名
  • 1. Headaches may be a sign of stress.


  • 2. Call the police at the first sign of trouble.


  • 3. The fact that he didn't say ‘no’ is a good sign.


  • 4. a shop sign, a pub sign


  • 5. He gave a thumbs-up sign.


  • 6. a dollar sign ($) , a pound sign (£)


  • 7. Sign here, please.


  • 8. to sign a cheque


  • 9. United have just signed a new goalie.


  • sign (n.) early 13c., "gesture or motion of the hand," especially one meant to communicate something, from Old French signe "sign, mark," from Latin signum "identifying mark, token, indication, symbol; proof; military standard, ensign; a signal, an omen; sign in the heavens, constellation," according to Watkins, literally "standard that one follows," from PIE *sekw-no-, from root *sekw- (1) "to follow."
  • sign (v.) c. 1300, "to make the sign of the cross," from Old French signier "to make a sign (to someone); to mark," from Latin signare "to set a mark upon, mark out, designate; mark with a stamp; distinguish, adorn;" figuratively "to point out, signify, indicate," from signum "identifying mark, sign" (see sign (n.)). Sense of "to mark, stamp" is attested from mid-14c.; that of "to affix one's name" is from late 15c. Meaning "to communicate by hand signs" is recorded from 1700. Related: Signed; signing.
sign / saɪn ; NAmE saɪn / noun , verb sign signs signed signing noun showing sth 显示 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] an event, an action, a fact, etc. that shows that sth exists, is happening or may happen in the future 迹象;征兆;预兆 SYN indication sign(of sth/sb) Headaches may be a sign of stress. 头痛可能是紧张的迹象。 There is no sign of John anywhere. 哪儿都没有约翰的影子。 Call the police at the first sign of trouble. 一有闹事的苗头就叫警察。 There was no sign of lifein the house (= there seemed to be nobody there). 那座房子没有一点住人的迹象。 Her work is showing some signs ofimprovement. 她的工作出现了一些改进的迹象。 sign(of doing sth) The gloomy weather shows no sign ofimproving. 阴沉的天气没有丝毫转晴的迹象。 The fact that he didn't say ‘no’ immediately is a good sign. 他没有马上拒绝,这是好征兆。 sign(that…) If an interview is too easy, it's a sure sign thatyou haven't got the job. 如果面试太简单,那必定表示你没得到那份工作。 If I had noticed the warning signs,none of this would have happened. 要是我当时注意到了那些警告信号,这种事就一桩也不会发生。 for information/warning 提供信息;用以提醒 2 [countable ] a piece of paper, wood or metal that has writing or a picture on it that gives you information, instructions, a warning, etc. 招牌;标牌;指示牌;标志 a road/traffic sign 道路╱交通标志 a shop/pub sign 商店╱酒吧招牌 The sign on the wall said ‘Now wash your hands’. 墙上的牌子上写着“请洗手”。 Follow the signsfor the city centre. 照标牌的指示到市中心。 movement/sound 动作;声音 3 [countable ] a movement or sound that you make to tell sb sth 示意的动作(或声音);手势 He gave athumbs-up sign. 他竖起了大拇指示意。 She nodded as a sign for us to sit down. 她点头示意我们坐下。 see also V-sign symbol 符号 4 [countable ] a mark used to represent sth, especially in mathematics 符号;记号 a plus/minus sign (+/−) 加号;减号 a dollar/pound sign ($/£) 元╱英镑的符号 star sign 星座 5 [countable ] ( informal) = star sign What sign are you? 你属什么星座? IDIOM a ˌsign of the ˈtimes something that you feel shows what things are like now, especially how bad they are 时代特征(含贬义) verb your name 姓名 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to write your name on a document, letter, etc. to show that you have written it, that you agree with what it says, or that it is genuine 签(名);署(名);签字;签署 Sign here, please. 请在这里签名。 signsth Sign your name here, please. 请在这里签名。 You haven't signed the letter. 这封信您还没有署名。 to sign a cheque 在支票上签字 The treaty was signed on 24 March. 条约是 3 月 24 日签订的。 The player was signing autographs for a group of fans. 这名队员正在为一群球迷签名。 signyourself + noun He signed himself ‘Jimmy’. 他署名“吉米”。 contract 合同 2 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to arrange for sb, for example a sports player or musician, to sign a contract agreeing to work for your company; to sign a contract agreeing to work for a company 和…签约(达成雇聘关系) signsb United have just signed a new goalie. 联队最近和一名新守门员签约。 signfor sth He signed for United yesterday. 昨天他和联队签了约。 signwith sth The band signed with Virgin Records. 乐队同维京唱片公司签了约。 make movement/sound 做出动作;发出声音 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] sign(to/for sb) (to do sth) | signthat… to make a request or tell sb to do sth by using a sign, especially a hand movement 示意;打手势 SYN signal The hotel manager signed to the porter to pick up my case. 旅馆经理示意行李员替我拿箱子。 for deaf person 对聋人 4 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to use sign language to communicate with sb 打手语 She learnt to sign to help her deaf child. 为帮助她耳聋的孩子,她学会了手语。 signsth An increasing number of plays are now being signed. 现在越来越多的戏剧配上了手语。 sign·er signer signers / saɪnə(r) ; NAmE saɪnər / noun the signers of the petition 在请愿书上签名的人 signers communicating information to deaf people 向聋人传递信息的手语译员 IDIOMS ˌsigned and ˈsealed | ˌsigned, ˌsealed and deˈlivered definite, because all the legal documents have been signed 签名盖章完毕的;铁定的;成定局的 sign on the dotted ˈline ( informal) to sign a document to show that you have agreed to buy sth or do sth 在签字处签上姓名(表示同意);签名同意 Just sign on the dotted line and the car is yours. 只要在虚线上签名,这车就归你了。 more at pledge n. PHRASAL VERBS ˌsign sth↔aˈway to lose your rights or property by signing a document 签字放弃,签字让与(权利或财产) ˈsign for sth to sign a document to show that you have received sth 签收 ˌsign ˈin/ˈout | ˌsign sb↔ˈin/ˈout to write your/sb's name when you arrive at or leave an office, a club, etc. 签到;签退;替某人签到╱签退 All visitors must sign in on arrival. 来客均须签到。 You must sign guests out when they leave the club. 客人离开俱乐部时,你必须为他们签退。 ˌsign ˈoff 1 ( BrE) to end a letter 结束写信 SYN finish She signed off with ‘Yours, Janet’. 她在信末写上“你的珍妮特”。 2 to end a broadcast by saying goodbye or playing a piece of music (以说再见或播放音乐的形式)结束广播 ˌsign sth↔ˈoff to give your formal approval to sth, by signing your name 签字认可;签名赞同 ˌsign ˈoff on sth ( NAmE) ( informal) to express your approval of sth formally and definitely 批准 The President hasn't signed off on this report. 这份报告总统没有批准。 ˌsign ˈon ( BrE) ( informal) to sign a form stating that you are an unemployed person so that you can receive payment from the government 办理失业登记(以领取失业救济金) ˌsign ˈon/ˈup | ˌsign sb↔ˈon/ˈup to sign a form or contract which says that you agree to do a job or become a soldier; to persuade sb to sign a form or contract like this (使)签约受雇(或入伍) SYN enlist He signed on for five years in the army. 他签了在部队服役五年的合同。 The company has signed up three top models for the fashion show. 为时装表演,公司签约聘了三名顶尖模特儿。 ˌsign sth↔ˈover (to sb) to give your rights or property to sb else by signing a document 签字转让(权利或财产) She has signed the house over to her daughter. 她签署了转让手续,把房子过到女儿名下。 ˌsign ˈup (for sth) to arrange to do a course of study by adding your name to the list of people doing it 报名(参加课程) ˌsign ˈup to sth 1 ( BrE) to commit yourself to a project or course of action, especially one that you have agreed with a group of other people, countries or organizations 签署同意;签订 How many countries have signed up to the Kyoto protocol on climate change? 有多少个国家签订了关于气候变化的《京都议定书》? 2 signto do sth to agree to take part in sth 同意参与 We have about 100 people signed up to help so far. 到目前为止我们有大约 100 人同意提供帮助。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 sign indication symptom symbol indicator signal These are all words for an event, action or fact that shows that sth exists, is happening or may happen in the future. 以上各词均指迹象、征兆、预兆。 sign an event, action or fact that shows that sth exists, is happening or may happen in the future 指迹象、征兆、预兆: Headaches may be a sign of stress. 头痛可能是紧张的迹象。 indication ( rather formal) a remark or sign that shows that sth is happening or what sb is thinking or feeling 指标示、象征: They gave no indication as tohow the work should be done. 他们根本没说明这项工作该怎样做。 sign or indication? 用 sign 还是 indication? An indicationoften comes in the form of sth that sb says; a signis usually sth that happens or sth that sb does. *indication 常指通过某人的说话表明,sign 通常为发生的事或某人所做的事。 symptom a change in your body or mind that shows that you are not healthy; a sign that sth exists, especially sth bad 指症状、征候、征兆: Symptoms include a sore throat. 症状包括嗓子疼。 The rise in inflation was just one symptom of the poor state of the economy. 通胀上升不过是经济不景气的一个征候。 symbol a person, object or event that represents a more general quality or situation 指象征: The dove is a universal symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的共同象征。 indicator ( rather formal) a sign that shows you what sth is like or how a situation is changing 指指示信号、标志、迹象: the economic indicators 经济指标 signal an event, action or fact that shows that sth exists, is happening or may happen in the future 指标志、预示、信号: Chest pains can be a warning signal of heart problems. 胸部疼痛可能是心脏病的报警信号。 sign or signal? 用 sign 还是 signal? Signalis often used to talk about an event, action or fact that suggests to sb that they should do sth. Signis not usually used in this way. *signal 常用以指应该采取行动的暗号、信号; sign 通常不用于此义: Reducing prison sentences would send the wrong signs to criminals. PATTERNS a(n) sign/indication/symptom/symbol/indicator/signal ofsth a(n) sign/indication/symptom/indicator/signal that… a clearsign/indication/symptom/symbol/indicator/signal an obvioussign/indication/symptom/symbol/indicator an earlysign/indication/symptom/indicator/signal an outwardsign/indication/symbol to givea(n) sign/indication/signal sign / saɪn ; NAmE saɪn / sign·er / saɪnə(r) ; NAmE saɪnər /
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