shrewdly ['ʃru:dli]  


shrewdly  ['ʃru:dli]

adv. 精明干练地;机灵地;刁钻地 

I'll warrant nothing will,” he said shrewdly . 我当然向他们保证绝不会的,"他机灵地说。
As Mr Tuckett shrewdly points out, it was not clear to many of these fund managers what a “rational” decision should be. 正如塔克特先生精明地指出,很多投资经理们并不清楚,一个“理性的”决定应该是怎样的。

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  • adv. 精明干练地;机灵地;刁钻地
  • 1. I'll warrant nothing will,” he said shrewdly .


  • 2. As Mr Tuckett shrewdly points out, it was not clear to many of these fund managers what a “rational” decision should be.


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