shrapnel 英 [ˈʃræpnəl]   美 [ˈʃræpnəl]


shrapnel  英 [ˈʃræpnəl] 美 [ˈʃræpnəl]

n. 弹片;榴霰弹;零钱 


LCpl Buhler was lucky enough to only suffer from shrapnel wounds to his abdomen, but his best friend, as he said, was "vaporized" right in front of him. 比勒非常幸运,只是让榴霰弹片伤及了自己的腹部,而他最好的朋友,正如他所说的那样,就在他面前“蒸发”了。
One of the first reported cases was in 1941 when a young Norwegian woman developed a German accent after being hit by bomb shrapnel during a World War II air raid. 首批被报道的案例中的一例是在1941年,一位年轻的挪威女子在被二战空袭的炸弹弹片所伤之后开始用德国口音说话。

  • Shrapnel refers to the pieces of a bomb, shell, or bullet that has exploded. During wars, many soldiers are treated for shrapnel wounds.
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  • n. 弹片;榴霰弹;零钱
  • 1. LCpl Buhler was lucky enough to only suffer from shrapnel wounds to his abdomen, but his best friend, as he said, was "vaporized" right in front of him.


  • 2. One of the first reported cases was in 1941 when a young Norwegian woman developed a German accent after being hit by bomb shrapnel during a World War II air raid.


  • 3. The rabble closed in; I was encircled;grit flew in my face like shrapnel.

    我被包围了。 沙砾像榴霰弹一般飞向我的脸上。

  • shrapnel (n.) 1806, from Gen. Henry Shrapnel (1761-1842), who invented a type of exploding, fragmenting shell when he was a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery during the Peninsular War. The invention consisted of a hollow cannon ball, filled with shot, which burst in mid-air; his name for it was spherical case ammunition. Sense of "shell fragments" is first recorded 1940. The surname is attested from 13c., and is believed to be a metathesized form of Charbonnel, a diminutive form of Old French charbon "charcoal," in reference to complexion, hair color, or some other quality.
shrap·nel / ˈʃræpnəl ; NAmE ˈʃræpnəl / noun [uncountable ] small pieces of metal that are thrown up and away from an exploding bomb 飞溅的弹片 shrapnel shrapnels shrap·nel / ˈʃræpnəl ; NAmE ˈʃræpnəl /
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