showbiz 英 ['ʃəʊbɪz]   美 ['ʃoʊbɪz]


showbiz  英 ['ʃəʊbɪz] 美 ['ʃoʊbɪz]

n. 娱乐界;娱乐性行业 


It's been described by the American showbiz bible Variety as "the boldest and best of recent Israeli movies". 美国娱乐界圣经《Variety》称其为“以色列近来最大胆最好的电影”。
Gottfried has made a career out of irreverent humor, combined with arguably the most grating voice in showbiz. 他的职业生涯组成是:粗俗的幽默,加上娱乐界有史以来最沙哑的嗓音。

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  • n. 娱乐界;娱乐性行业
  • 1. It's been described by the American showbiz bible Variety as "the boldest and best of recent Israeli movies".


  • 2. Gottfried has made a career out of irreverent humor, combined with arguably the most grating voice in showbiz.


  • 3. Celebrity mourners at Jackson's service could include showbiz legends such as Sir Paul McCartney, who sang with him, and Elizabeth Taylor.


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