shortlist 英 [ˈʃɔ:tlɪst]   美 [ˈʃɔrtlɪst]


shortlist  英 [ˈʃɔ:tlɪst] 美 [ˈʃɔrtlɪst]

n. (英)供最后挑选用的候选人名单 

进行时:shortlisting  过去式:shortlisted  过去分词:shortlisted  第三人称单数:shortlists  名词复数:shortlists 

The artists say that they will shortlist about 10 couples and interview them in Moscow, along with their Russian gallery partners and medical experts. 他们说将10对夫妇列为决选名单,与他们合作的俄罗斯美术馆和医学专家一起在莫斯科面试。
When I am looking for a new translator and I have a number of applications, my shortlist will not include anyone who has missing information. 当我寻找一个新的译者的时候,我有许多的申请表, 可我的入选名单中,不会包括那些填写信息不全的人。

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  • n. (英)供最后挑选用的候选人名单
  • 1. The artists say that they will shortlist about 10 couples and interview them in Moscow, along with their Russian gallery partners and medical experts.


  • 2. When I am looking for a new translator and I have a number of applications, my shortlist will not include anyone who has missing information.

    当我寻找一个新的译者的时候,我有许多的申请表, 可我的入选名单中,不会包括那些填写信息不全的人。

  • shortlist (v.) "to place (someone) on the 'short list' " for advancement or preferment, 1955, from short list (n.) in this sense, which is attested by 1927.
short·list / ˈʃɔːtlɪst ; NAmE ˈʃɔːrtlɪst / noun , verb shortlist shortlists shortlisted shortlisting noun [usually singular ] a small number of candidates for a job, etc, who have been chosen from all the people who applied 入围名单 to draw up a shortlist 拟就入围名单 a shortlist for a literary prize 一项文学奖的入围名单 She is on my shortlistof great singers. 她是我心目中的优秀歌唱家之一。 verb [usually passive ] shortlistsb/sth (for sth) ( BrE) to put sb/sth on a shortlistfor a job, prize, etc. 把…列入入围名单 Candidates who are shortlisted for interview will be contacted by the end of the week. 入围参加面试的求职者将在周末以前得到通知。 short·list / ˈʃɔːtlɪst ; NAmE ˈʃɔːrtlɪst /
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