shire 英 [ˈʃaɪə(r)]   美 [ʃaɪr]


shire  英 [ˈʃaɪə(r)] 美 [ʃaɪr]

n.   phrase. 休息 


On bail for his attempted murder and banned from seeing him, she entered his nursing home in Hertford shire by posing as his aunt. 杀人未遂获保释后,被禁止探视儿子的她又冒充汤姆的姑妈进入了位于英格兰东南部的赫特福德郡的私人疗养院。
I was in disgrace once because I went to school in some brilliant blue homespun serge, my mother had bought in Devon- shire, and I was told I must never wear it again. 有次我穿着母亲从德文郡买来的一件亮蓝色家纺毛哔叽衣服去上学,结果校长让我下次别再穿出来,让我很是难堪。

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  • n.
  • phrase. 休息
  • 1. On bail for his attempted murder and banned from seeing him, she entered his nursing home in Hertford shire by posing as his aunt.


  • 2. I was in disgrace once because I went to school in some brilliant blue homespun serge, my mother had bought in Devon- shire, and I was told I must never wear it again.


  • 3. Benjamin passed, in 1779, to the family of Baron Willoughby de Eresby of Grims­thorpe Castle, Lincoln­shire.

    本杰明这副画于1779年传给了林肯郡格姆斯托普古堡Willoughby de Eresby 男爵家里。

  • shire (n.) Old English scir "administrative office, jurisdiction, stewardship, authority," also in particular use "district, province, country," from Proto-Germanic *skizo (source also of Old High German scira "care, official charge"). Ousted since 14c. by Anglo-French county. The gentrified sense is from The Shires (1796), used by people in other parts of England of those counties that end in -shire; sense transferred to "hunting country of the Midlands" (1860).
shire / ˈʃaɪə(r) ; NAmE ˈʃaɪər / / or, in compounds, ‑ʃə(r) ; NAmE ‑ʃər / noun ( BrE) 1 [countable ] ( old use) a county (now used in the names of some counties in Britain, for example Hampshire, Yorkshire) 郡(现在用于英国部份郡名,如 Hampshire、Yorkshire) 2 the Shires , ( alsothe Shire Counties ) [plural ] counties in central England that are in country areas 英格兰中部几个郡 shire shires shire / ˈʃaɪə(r) ; NAmE ˈʃaɪər /
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