sheepdog ['ʃi:p,dɔg]  


sheepdog  ['ʃi:p,dɔg]

n. 牧羊犬 


Mr. Dudley said that he empathized with Gulf Coast residents. Though he was born in Queens, he grew up in Hattiesburg, Miss., and spent summers in Biloxi with his family and their sheepdog. 杜德雷先生说,他很同情海湾沿岸的居民,虽然他在是在奎恩斯地区出生,但是他在美国密西西比州的哈提斯贝市长大,那时的夏天,他经常跟家人和牧羊犬去毕劳西地区消暑。
Purportedly a Catalan sheepdog in cubist style inspired by Picasso, Cobi turned out looking more like a nude androgynous flesh monster. Cobi是受毕加索启示设计的一只立体主义风格的加泰罗尼亚牧羊犬,结果他看上去更像一只裸体、雌雄不分的肉身怪物。

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  • n. 牧羊犬
  • 1. Mr. Dudley said that he empathized with Gulf Coast residents. Though he was born in Queens, he grew up in Hattiesburg, Miss., and spent summers in Biloxi with his family and their sheepdog.


  • 2. Purportedly a Catalan sheepdog in cubist style inspired by Picasso, Cobi turned out looking more like a nude androgynous flesh monster.


  • 3. An Old English sheepdog, one of the one hundred and seventy-three breeds in competition at the 2010 show.

    一只英国牧羊犬。 本次2010犬展共有173种狗狗参加,英国牧羊犬是其中之一。

sheep·dog / ˈʃiːpdɒɡ ; NAmE ˈʃiːpdɔːɡ ; ˈʃiːpdɑːɡ / noun 1 a dog that is trained to help control sheep on a farm 牧羊犬 2 ( BrE) a dog of a breed that is often used for controlling sheep, especially a collie 牧羊犬;柯利牧羊犬 see also Old English sheepdog sheepdog sheepdogs sheep·dog / ˈʃiːpdɒɡ ; NAmE ˈʃiːpdɔːɡ ; ˈʃiːpdɑːɡ /
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