shamefully 美['ʃemfəli]  


shamefully  美['ʃemfəli]

adv. 可耻地;不体面地 

shamefully, a large chunk of French and German spending on education is a form of tied aid that enables the children of the elite in poor countries to study at European universities. 可耻的是,法国和德国投入教育的大笔资金,以一种附带条件的援助形式,使贫穷国家的优秀儿童能在欧洲大学学习。
She even disgraces the name of Linton; and I've sometimes relented, from pure lack of invention, in my experiments on what she could endure, and still creep shamefully cringing back! 她甚至都玷辱了林惇的名声,我试验她能忍受的能力,而她总还是含羞地谄媚地爬回来,由于实在想不出新的办法,我有时候都动了慈悲心肠哩!

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  • adv. 可耻地;不体面地
  • 1. shamefully, a large chunk of French and German spending on education is a form of tied aid that enables the children of the elite in poor countries to study at European universities.


  • 2. She even disgraces the name of Linton; and I've sometimes relented, from pure lack of invention, in my experiments on what she could endure, and still creep shamefully cringing back!


  • 3. The Club Med countries want EU help to cope with a possible influx, but they have been shamefully slow to help Tunisia and Egypt, which are bearing the brunt of the refugee crisis.


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