- The goal of meditation is to reach a state of serenity, when your mind is still and perfectly calm. Use serenity to mean the quality or state of being calm and peaceful.
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- n. 平静,宁静;晴朗,风和日丽
1. We all love our country, he said, and appealed for serenity.
2. In your search for serenity, what have you found that works for you?
3. He attacks your purity with lust, and he attacks your serenity with worry.
- serenity (n.) 1530s, of weather, 1590s, of persons, from Middle French sérénité, from Latin serenitatem (nominative serenitas) "clearness, serenity," from serenus (see serene). Earliest use (mid-15c.) was as a title of honor for kings, probably from the similar use of Latin serenitas, applied to Roman emperors, later popes.
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