sensitive 英 [ˈsensətɪv]   美 [ˈsɛnsɪtɪv]


sensitive  英 [ˈsensətɪv] 美 [ˈsɛnsɪtɪv]

adj. 敏感的;敏锐的;过敏的 


a sensitive and caring man 体贴的男人
She is very sensitive to other people's feelings. 她很能体谅他人的感情。

  • Sensitive describes something or someone who reacts quickly and strongly. It's often something to protect — like baby skin, government documents, or a fragile ecosystem.
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  • adj. 敏感的;敏锐的;过敏的
  • 1. a sensitive and caring man


  • 2. She is very sensitive to other people's feelings.


  • 3. a sensitive portrait


  • 4. You're far too sensitive.


  • 5. He's very sensitive about his weight.


  • 6. She's very sensitive to criticism.


  • 7. Health care is a politically sensitive issue.


  • 8. sensitive areas of the body


  • 9. My teeth are very sensitive to cold food.


  • 10. a sensitive instrument


  • 11. She handled the matter sensitively.


  • sensitive (adj.) late 14c., in reference to the body or its parts, "having the function of sensation;" also (early 15c.) "pertaining to the faculty of the soul that receives and analyzes sensory information;" from Old French sensitif "capable of feeling" (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin sensitivus "capable of sensation," from Latin sensus, past participle of sentire "feel perceive" (see sense (n.)).
sen·si·tive / ˈsensətɪv ; NAmE ˈsensətɪv / adjective to people's feelings 对他人的感情 1 aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings 体贴的;体恤的;善解人意的 a sensitive and caring man 体贴的男人 sensitiveto sth She is very sensitive to other people's feelings. 她很能体谅他人的感情。 OPP insensitive to art/music/literature 对艺术╱音乐╱文学 2 able to understand art, music and literature and to express yourself through them 感觉敏锐的;艺术感觉好的;有悟性的 an actor's sensitive reading of the poem 演员对那首诗富有表现力的朗诵 a sensitive portrait 栩栩如生的画像 easily upset 容易生气 3 easily offended or upset 易生气的;易被惹恼的;神经过敏的 You're far too sensitive. 你也太敏感了。 sensitiveabout sth He's very sensitive about his weight. 他很忌讳别人说他胖。 sensitiveto sth She's very sensitive to criticism. 她一听批评就急。 OPP insensitive information/subject 信息;话题 4 that you have to treat with great care because it may offend people or make them angry or embarrassed 须谨慎对待的;敏感的 Health care is a politically sensitive issue. 医疗卫生是一个政治敏感问题。 to cold/light/food, etc. 对低温、光、食物等 5 reacting quickly or more than usual to sth 敏感的;过敏的 sensitive areas of the body 身体的敏感区 sensitiveto sth My teeth are very sensitive to cold food. 我的牙齿对冷食过敏。 OPP insensitive to small changes 对细微变化 6 sensitive(to sth) able to measure very small changes 灵敏的 a sensitive instrument 灵敏的仪器 ( figurative) The Stock Exchange is very sensitive to political change. 证券市场对政局变化非常敏感。 OPP insensitive sen·si·tive·ly / ˈsensətɪvli ; NAmE ˈsensətɪvli / adverb She handled the matter sensitively. 她谨慎细致地处理了那件事情。 He writes sensitively. 他文笔细腻。 IDIOMsee nerve n. sen·si·tive / ˈsensətɪv ; NAmE ˈsensətɪv / sen·si·tive·ly / ˈsensətɪvli ; NAmE ˈsensətɪvli /
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