sensationalism 英 [sen'seɪʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪz(ə)m]   美 [sɛn'seʃənəlɪzəm]


sensationalism  英 [sen'seɪʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪz(ə)m] 美 [sɛn'seʃənəlɪzəm]

n. 追求轰动效应;哗众取宠 


All major life changes are difficult, but the lack of understanding is triple -- dealing with all the prejudice and bias, and even the sensationalism and prurient interest. 所有重大的人生转变都是艰难的,但如果缺少理解将会困难重重——对待所有的歧视与偏见,甚至还有哗众取宠和淫欲。
What does, ironically, veer more towards sensationalism, are the attempts by opponents of climate action to lambast such discussions as opportunistic, to try to shut down the dialogue. 但是讽刺的是那些气候行动的对手试图谴责这样的讨论,正如投机取巧的试图关闭对话,这些才是更加的哗众取宠。

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  • n. 追求轰动效应;哗众取宠
  • 1. All major life changes are difficult, but the lack of understanding is triple -- dealing with all the prejudice and bias, and even the sensationalism and prurient interest.


  • 2. What does, ironically, veer more towards sensationalism, are the attempts by opponents of climate action to lambast such discussions as opportunistic, to try to shut down the dialogue.


  • 3. Much western commentary on China, especially as purveyed in media that depend heavily on sound bites and sensationalism, continued to fall into a familiar trap.


  • sensationalism (n.) 1846 in philosophy, "theory that sensation is the only source of knowledge;" 1865, of journalism that aims to excite the feelings, from sensational + -ism.
sen·sa·tion·al·ism / senˈseɪʃənəlɪzəm ; NAmE senˈseɪʃənəlɪzəm / noun [uncountable ] ( disapproving) a way of getting people's interest by using shocking words or by presenting facts and events as worse or more shocking than they really are (指行文或报道)耸人听闻,哗众取宠 sen·sa·tion·al·ist / senˈseɪʃənəlɪst ; NAmE senˈseɪʃənəlɪst / adjective sensationalist headlines 耸人听闻的标题 sensationalist sensationalists sen·sa·tion·al·ism / senˈseɪʃənəlɪzəm ; NAmE senˈseɪʃənəlɪzəm / sen·sa·tion·al·ist / senˈseɪʃənəlɪst ; NAmE senˈseɪʃənəlɪst /
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