select committee 英 [siˈlekt kəˈmiti]   美 [sɪˈlɛkt kəˈmɪti]

select committee

select committee  英 [siˈlekt kəˈmiti] 美 [sɪˈlɛkt kəˈmɪti]

phrase. 特别委员会(为某一特案组成的) 

名词复数:select committees 

His view echoes calls from MPs on the children, schools and families select committee earlier this month for the national curriculum to be drastically slimmed down. 在本月初,他的观点,得到了关心儿童、学校和家庭特别委员会的下院议员们的响应:响应说:全国总课标应该彻底“瘦身”。
Tim Yeo, the chairman of the Commons energy and climate change select committee, says China may deliberately be acting the "bad guy" to divert attention from preparations for a low carbon economy. 蒂姆·杨是公众能源和气候变化特别委员会的主席,他说,中国可能会有意识地在扮演一个“坏小子”,目的是为了分散那些投向它为低碳经济所做准备的注意力。

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  • phrase. 特别委员会(为某一特案组成的)
  • 1. His view echoes calls from MPs on the children, schools and families select committee earlier this month for the national curriculum to be drastically slimmed down.


  • 2. Tim Yeo, the chairman of the Commons energy and climate change select committee, says China may deliberately be acting the "bad guy" to divert attention from preparations for a low carbon economy.


  • 3. The London 2012 Olympics also remains "another critical area of vulnerability", according to the report from the Commons home affairs select committee published today.


seˌlect comˈmittee / ; NAmE / noun ( BrE) a small group of politicians or experts that have been chosen to examine a particular subject or problem 特别委员会(为研究某课题等而成立) seˌlect comˈmittee / ; NAmE /
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