segregationist 英 [,seɡrɪ'ɡeɪʃənɪst]   美 [,sɛɡrɪ'ɡeʃənɪst]


segregationist  英 [,seɡrɪ'ɡeɪʃənɪst] 美 [,sɛɡrɪ'ɡeʃənɪst]

n. 种族隔离主义者  adj. 种族隔离主义的;种族隔离主义者的 


Evidently neither Bull Connor, the segregationist police commissioner of Birmingham, nor the merchants expected this quiet beginning to blossom into a large-scale operation. 显然,无论是伯明翰的种族隔离主义者、警长公牛康纳,抑或那些店主,都没预料到如此安静的开篇会逐渐演变成如此大范围的后续。
Tensions flared between black and white students in the small town of Jena after a noose was hung from a tree at the high school - a symbol of the lynching of blacks in segregationist times. 在Jena小镇一所中学中,(白人学生)在树上使用了在种族隔离主义时期象征处以私刑的套索之后,黑人学生和白人学生之间的冲突开始升级。

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  • n. 种族隔离主义者
  • adj. 种族隔离主义的;种族隔离主义者的
  • 1. Evidently neither Bull Connor, the segregationist police commissioner of Birmingham, nor the merchants expected this quiet beginning to blossom into a large-scale operation.


  • 2. Tensions flared between black and white students in the small town of Jena after a noose was hung from a tree at the high school - a symbol of the lynching of blacks in segregationist times.


seg·re·ga·tion·ist / ˌseɡrɪˈɡeɪʃənɪst ; NAmE ˌseɡrɪˈɡeɪʃənɪst / adjective supporting the separation of people according to their sex, race or religion (性别、种族、宗教)隔离主义的 segregationist policies 隔离主义政策 seg·re·ga·tion·ist noun segregationist segregationists seg·re·ga·tion·ist / ˌseɡrɪˈɡeɪʃənɪst ; NAmE ˌseɡrɪˈɡeɪʃənɪst /
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