see 英 [si:]   美 [si]


see  英 [si:] 美 [si]

vt. 看见;理解;领会  vi. 看;看见;领会 

进行时:seeing  过去式:saw  过去分词:seen  第三人称单数:sees  名词复数:sees 

I saw you put the key in your wallet. 我见你把钥匙放进了钱包里。
Did you see what happened? 你看见出什么事了吗?

  • See is what your eyes do. However, this word has loads of meanings: you can see a shrink, which means you're consulting a psychiatrist; or you can be seeing your high school sweetheart, which means you're dating him.
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  • vt. 看见;理解;领会
  • vi. 看;看见;领会
  • 1. I saw you put the key in your wallet.


  • 2. Did you see what happened?


  • 3. He didn't see the joke.


  • 4. I see things differently now.


  • 5. Come and see us again soon.


  • 6. see if you can go with us.


  • 7. In the evening we went to see a movie.


  • 8. It's broken.’ ‘Oh yes, I see what you mean.’


see / siː ; NAmE siː / verb , noun see sees saw seeing seen verb ( saw / sɔː ; NAmE sɔː / seen / siːn ; NAmE siːn / ) use eyes 用眼 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes 看见;见到;看出 see(sb/sth) She looked for him but couldn't see him in the crowd. 她在人群里找来找去,但没看见他。 The opera was the place to see and be seen (= by other important or fashionable people). 歌剧院是个名流和时尚人士竞显丰采的地方。 see(that)… He could see (that) she had been crying. 他看得出她哭过。 seewhat, how, etc… Did you see what happened? 你看见出什么事了吗? seesb/sth + adj. I hate to see you unhappy. 我不愿见你不高兴。 seesb/sth doing sth She was seen running away from the scene of the crime. 有人看见她从犯罪现场跑开。 seesb/sth do sth I saw you put the key in your pocket. 我见你把钥匙放进了口袋里。 sb/sth is seen to do sth He was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed. 有人看见他在案发时间前后进入那栋建筑物。 2 [intransitive ] ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) to have or use the power of sight 看得见;看;有视力 She will never see again (= she has become blind). 她再也看不见东西了。 On a clear day you can seefor miles from here. 在晴天,你从这儿能看出去很远。 seeto do sth It was getting dark and I couldn't seeto read. 天色黑下来,我看不成书了。 watch 观看 3 [transitive ] ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) seesth to watch a game, television programme, performance, etc. 观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等) Did you see that programme on Brazil last night? 昨晚你有没有看那个介绍巴西的节目? In the evening we went to see a movie. 晚上,我们去看了一场电影。 Fifty thousand people saw the match. 有五万人观看了那场比赛。 synonyms at look look up information 检索资料 4 [transitive ] ( used in orders 用于祈使句 ) seesth to look at sth in order to find information 见;参见 See page 158. 参见第 158 页。 meet by chance 偶然遇见 5 [transitive ] seesb ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) to be near and recognize sb; to meet sb by chance 遇见;碰到;邂逅 Guess who I saw at the party last night! 你猜猜,昨天我在晚会上碰见谁了! visit 拜访 6 [transitive ] seesb to visit sb 拜访;看望;探视 Come and see us again soon. 早点再来看我们。 have meeting 会见 7 [transitive ] seesb (about sth) to have a meeting with sb 会见;会晤 You ought to see a doctor about that cough. 你得找个大夫看看你的咳嗽。 What is it you want to see me about? 你找我有什么事? spend time 度过时间 8 [transitive ] ( often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时 ) seesb to spend time with sb 与(某人)待在一起;交往 Are you seeing anyone (= having a romantic relationship with anyone)? 你是不是跟什么人好上了? They've been seeing a lot of each other (= spending a lot of time together)recently. 他们近来老泡在一起。 understand 理解 9 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) to understand sth 理解;明白;领会 ‘It opens like this.’ ‘Oh, I see. “这样就打开了。”“哦,我明白了。” seesth He didn't see the joke. 他没听懂这则笑话。 I don't think she saw the pointof the story. 我觉得她没有领会故事的中心意思。 I can see both sides of the argument. 争论双方的观点我都清楚。 Make Lydia see reason (= be sensible),will you? 你要让莉迪娅明白道理好不好? see(that)… Can't you see(that) he's taking advantage of you? 他在利用你,难道你看不出来? I don't see that it matterswhat Josh thinks. 乔希怎么想有什么要紧,我不明白。 seewhat, why, etc… ‘It's broken.’ ‘Oh yes, I see what you mean. “它破了。”“噢,我明白你的意思。” ‘Can we go swimming?’ ‘ I don't see why not (= yes, you can). “我们可以去游泳吗?”“可以呀。” be seen to do sth The government not only has to do something, it must be seen to be doing something (= people must be aware that it is doing sth). 政府不仅必须采取措施,而且必须让人们知道它在采取措施。 synonyms at understand have opinion 认为 10 [transitive ] seesth + adv./prep. ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) to have an opinion of sth 认为;看待 I see thingsdifferently now. 现在,我看问题的方法不一样了。 Try to see things from her point of view. 设法从她那个角度去看问题。 Lack of money is the main problem, as I see it (= in my opinion). 依我看,主要问题是缺钱。 The way I see it,you have three main problems. 我认为你有三个主要问题。 synonyms at regard imagine 想像 11 [transitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to consider sth as a future possibility; to imagine sb/sth as sth 设想;想像 seesb/sth doing sth I can't see her changing her mind. 我无法想像她会改变主意。 seesb/sth as sth His colleagues see him as a future director. 他的同事认为他很可能是未来的负责人。 synonyms at imagine find out 弄清 12 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) to find out sth by looking, asking or waiting (通过查看、打听、等待)弄清,了解 ‘Has the mail come yet?’ ‘I'll just go and see.’ “邮件来了没有?”“我去看看。” ‘Is he going to get better?’ ‘I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see. “他会好起来吗?”“不清楚,我们只能等着瞧了。” We'll have a great time, you'll see. 你瞧着吧,我们会很开心的。 seewhat, how, etc… Go and see what the kids are doing, will you? 你去看看孩子们在干什么好不好? We'll have to see how it goes. 我们得看看情况怎么样。 see(that)… I see (that) interest rates are going up again. 我知道利率又在提高了。 it is seen that… It can be seen thatcertain groups are more at risk than others. 看得出,有的组风险大,有的组风险小。 13 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) to find out or decide sth by thinking or considering 考虑;定夺 ‘Will you be able to help us?’ ‘I don't know, I'll have to see.’ “你能帮助我们吗?”“不好说,我得考虑一下。” ‘Can I go to the party?’ ‘ We'll see (= I'll decide later). “我能去参加聚会吗?”“待会儿再看吧。” seewhat, whether, etc… I'll see what I can doto help. 我考虑考虑,看我能帮上什么忙。 make sure 确保 14 [transitive ] ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) seethat… to make sure that you do sth or that sth is done 确保;务必(做到) See that all the doors are locked before you leave. 一定要把所有的门都锁好了再走。 experience 经历 15 [transitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) seesth to experience or suffer sth 经历;遭受 He has seen a great deal in his long life. 他在漫长的一生中经历了许多事情。 I hope I never live to see the daywhen computers finally replace books. 我可不愿意活到那一天,看着计算机最终取代书籍。 It didn't surprise her—she had seen it all before. 她没有大惊小怪,她以前全都见识过。 witness event 见证事件 16 [transitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) seesth to be the time when an event happens 为…发生的时间 Next year sees the centenary of Mahler's death. 明年是马勒逝世一百周年。 17 [transitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) seesth to be the place where an event happens 为…发生的地点 SYN witness This stadium has seen many thrilling football games. 在这座体育场里进行过许多激动人心的足球比赛。 help 帮助 18 [transitive ] seesb + adv./prep. to go with sb to help or protect them 送;护送 I saw the old lady across (= helped her cross)the road. 我护送老太太过马路。 May I see you home (= go with you as far as your house)? 我可不可以送你回家? My secretary will see you out (= show you the way out of the building). 我的秘书会把你送出去。 IDIOMS Most idioms containing seeare at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example not see the wood for the treesis at wood. 大多数含 see 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 not see the wood for the trees 在词条 wood 下。 for all (the world) to ˈsee clearly visible; in a way that is clearly visible 明显;显而易见 ˌlet me ˈsee/let's see ( informal) used when you are thinking or trying to remember sth 让我╱咱们看看;让我╱咱们想一想 Now let me see—how old is she now? 让我想一想,她现在多大了呢? see sth ˈcoming to realize that there is going to be a problem before it happens 料到会有问题;意识到会出麻烦 We should have seen it coming. There was no way he could keep going under all that pressure. 我们本该料到的。承受着那么大的压力,他不可能坚持下去。 ˌsee for yourˈself to find out or look at sth yourself in order to be sure that what sb is saying is true 亲自看,亲自了解(以核实) If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself! 要是不信我说的,你自己去看看! see sb/sth for what they ˈare/it ˈis to realize that sb/sth is not as good, pleasant, etc. as they/it seem 看清某人(或事物)的真实状况(不是表面那样) seeing that… ( also informal seeing as (how)… ) because of the fact that… 鉴于;由于;因为 Seeing that he's been off sick all week he's unlikely to come. 他请病假整整一周了,所以今天也不大可能来。 ˈsee you (aˈround) | (I'll) be ˈseeing you | ˌsee you ˈlater ( informal) goodbye 再见 I'd better be going now. See you! 现在我可该走了。再见! you ˈsee ( informal) used when you are explaining sth (作解释时说)你看,你知道,要知道 You see, the thing is, we won't be finished before Friday. 要知道,问题是星期五以前我们完不了事。 PHRASAL VERBS ˈsee about sth to deal with sth 办理;照料;料理;安排 I must see about (= prepare)lunch. 我得做午饭了。 He says he won't help, does he? Well, we'll soon see about that (= I will demand that he does help). 他说他不帮忙,是不是?好,我们这就去找他。 seedoing sth I'll have to see about getting that roof repaired. 我得找人把房顶修一修。 ˈsee sth in sb/sth to find sb/sth attractive or interesting 看上;看中;觉得…有趣 I don't know what she sees in him. 我不知道她看上他哪儿了。 ˌsee sb↔ˈoff 1 to go to a station, an airport, etc. to say goodbye to sb who is starting a journey 为…送行;送别 2 ( BrE) to force sb to leave a place, for example by chasing them 赶走,驱逐(某人) The dogs saw them off in no time. 几条狗立刻把他们吓走了。 3 ( BrE) to defeat sb in a game, fight, etc. (在游戏、战斗等活动中)打败,击败 The home team saw off the challengers by 68 points to 47. 主队以 68:47 击败前来挑战的客队。 ˌsee sb↔ˈout ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) ( BrE) to last longer than the rest of sb's life 寿命比某人长;看着某人故去 I've had this coat for years, and I'm sure it will see me out. 这件外衣我穿了好多年,我敢说它能穿一辈子。 ˌsee sth↔ˈout ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) ( BrE) to reach the end or last until the end of sth 持续到…结束 They had enough fuel to see the winter out. 他们有足够的燃料过冬。 He saw out his career in Italy. 他在意大利一直工作到退休。 ˌsee ˈover sth ( BrE) to visit and look at a place carefully 察看(某处) We need to see over the house before we can make you an offer. 我们需要好好看了房子以后才能给你开个价。 ˌsee ˈthrough sb/sth ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to realize the truth about sb/sth 看透;识破 We saw through him from the start. 一开始我们就识破他了。 I can see through your little game (= I am aware of the trick you are trying to play on me). 我看透了你的小把戏。 ˌsee sth ˈthrough ( not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时 ) to not give up doing a task, project, etc. until it is finished 把(任务、工程等)进行到底;坚持完成 She's determined to see the job through. 她决心完成这项工作。 ˌsee sb ˈthrough | ˌsee sb ˈthrough sth ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to give help or support to sb for a particular period of time 帮助(或支持)某人度过 Her courage and good humour saw her through. 她靠着顽强的勇气和乐观的性格挺了过来。 I only have $20 to see me through the week. 我只有 20 元来维持我这一周了。 ˈsee to sth to deal with sth 办理;照管;料理 Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting? 你来负责安排下次会议,好吗? Don't worry— I'll see to it. 别担心,这事儿我来处理。 We'll have to get that door seen to (= repaired). 我们得找人把那扇门修一下。 ˈsee to it that… to make sure that… 确保;务使 Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon? 你保证今天下午就把传真发出去,行吗? noun ( formal) the district or office of a bishopor an archbishop 主教(或大主教)教区;主教(或大主教)权限;牧座 the Holy See (= the office of the Pope) (罗马)宗座 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 see spot catch glimpse These words all mean to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes, especially suddenly or when it is not easy to see them/it. 以上各词均含看见、见到、看出之意,尤指突然发现或注意到。 see to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes 指看见、见到、看出: She looked for him but couldn't see him in the crowd. 她在人群里找来找去,但没看见他。 He could see (that) she had been crying. 他看得出她哭过。 spot to see or notice sb/sth, especially suddenly or when they are not easy to see or notice 指看见、看出,尤指突然发现或注意到: I've just spotted a mistake on the front cover. 我刚才在封面上发现了一处错误。 catch to see or notice sth for a moment, but not clearly or completely 指瞥见、察觉: She caught sightof a car in the distance. 她瞥见远处有一辆车。 He caught a glimpseof himself in the mirror. 他看了一眼镜子中的自己。 glimpse ( literary) to see sb/sth for a moment, but not clearly or completely 指瞥见、看一眼: He'd glimpsed her through the window as he passed. 他路过时透过窗户瞥见了她。 PATTERNS to see/spot that / that to suddenlysee/spot/catch/glimpse sb/sth see / siː ; NAmE siː / saw / sɔː ; NAmE sɔː / seen / siːn ; NAmE siːn /
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