seasonally ['si:znli]  


seasonally  ['si:znli]

adv. 季节性地;周期性地 

Just about any business can be run seasonally or occasionally, but some are obviously better suited than others. 仅有一些业务能够以季节性地,偶尔地运作,但有一些明显比其它的更适合。
The figure was a slight recovery from the seasonally weak second quarter, when they gained just 12,400 subscribers. But it's far short of the 401,300 subscribers gained a year ago. 这个数据显示从第二季度季节性疲软中略有回升,他们仅仅增了12,400个用户,但是与一年前新增的401,300个用户数相比,还是远远不足。

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  • adv. 季节性地;周期性地
  • 1. Just about any business can be run seasonally or occasionally, but some are obviously better suited than others.


  • 2. The figure was a slight recovery from the seasonally weak second quarter, when they gained just 12,400 subscribers. But it's far short of the 401,300 subscribers gained a year ago.


  • 3. Apart from just updating information on the site, the client could also want to seasonally add or remove entire pages.


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