


v. 雕刻(sculpt的过去式) 

sculpted by glaciers, the park is 85 percent rock and ice and has the highest peaks in the Canadian Shield. 公园是由冰川雕刻而成,85%是岩石和冰,并拥有着加拿大盾中的最高山峰。
Flying over Denver recently, I found myself transfixed by the carved and sculpted landscapes, the bald deserts and red river canyons, the mountains hewn by ancient dust storms. 最近飞越丹佛时,我发现自己被风蚀雕刻的景观、光秃秃的沙漠、红河峡谷和被历史的尘暴削平的峰峦震慑住了。

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  • v. 雕刻(sculpt的过去式)
  • 1. sculpted by glaciers, the park is 85 percent rock and ice and has the highest peaks in the Canadian Shield.


  • 2. Flying over Denver recently, I found myself transfixed by the carved and sculpted landscapes, the bald deserts and red river canyons, the mountains hewn by ancient dust storms.


  • 3. The realities of the hardware, then, are sculpted to best support that paradigm.


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