scoreless 英 ['skɔːlɪs]   美 ['skɔrləs]


scoreless  英 ['skɔːlɪs] 美 ['skɔrləs]

adj. 没得分的 

Playing the team that taught the world bicycle kicks and other offensive tricks, the North Koreans kept Brazil scoreless for nearly an hour. 巴西队曾让全世界见识了“踩单车”过人和其他进攻技巧,然而面对朝鲜,巴西差不多整整一个小时都没能进球。
I remember punching the air when the second one went in (it had been a tense game, scoreless for a long time), my mouth open in a soundless scream. 我记得当第二球打进时,我高兴跳了起来(这是场紧张比赛,很长时间都未能进球),我嘴张开做出无声的呐喊。

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  • adj. 没得分的
  • 1. Playing the team that taught the world bicycle kicks and other offensive tricks, the North Koreans kept Brazil scoreless for nearly an hour.


  • 2. I remember punching the air when the second one went in (it had been a tense game, scoreless for a long time), my mouth open in a soundless scream.


  • 3. In order to bring my debt down to a manageable level, I need to have five or more years of “scoreless innings.”


  • scoreless (adj.) in games, 1880, from score (n.) + -less.
score·less / ˈskɔːləs ; NAmE ˈskɔːrləs / adjective (of a game 体育比赛 ) without either team getting any points, goals, etc. 双方均未得分的;零比零的 a scoreless draw 零比零平局 score·less / ˈskɔːləs ; NAmE ˈskɔːrləs /
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