scheduling [ˈskɛdʒʊəlɪŋ]  


scheduling  [ˈskɛdʒʊəlɪŋ]

n. 时序安排,行程安排  v. 把…列入计划;为…制定时间表(schedule的现在分词) 


I find this method of scheduling to be the most efficient I’ve tried so far. 我发现这种日程安排的方法是迄今为止试过的方法当中最有效的。
High-level features include detailed test scheduling at the activity and usage pattern level of each of the user groups. 高级的特性包括在每一个用户组的行为和使用方式层面的详细测试调度安排。

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  • n. 时序安排,行程安排
  • v. 把…列入计划;为…制定时间表(schedule的现在分词)
  • 1. I find this method of scheduling to be the most efficient I’ve tried so far.


  • 2. High-level features include detailed test scheduling at the activity and usage pattern level of each of the user groups.


  • 3. You should be able to support accurate planning and scheduling with the help of the architecture by analyzing the complexity and risk factors inherent in the components.


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