scene 英 [si:n]   美 [sin]


scene  英 [si:n] 美 [sin]

n. 场面;情景; 


What a sad scene! 多么凄惨的景象!
The scene will remain in my memory. 那情景将会在我的记忆中。

  • A scene is where something happens or happened. How did you know that the thief would return to the scene of the crime?
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  • n. 场面;情景;
  • 1. What a sad scene!


  • 2. The scene will remain in my memory.


  • 3. Firefighters were on the scene immediately.


  • 4. She witnessed some very distressing scenes.


  • 5. I got very nervous before my big scene.


  • 6. a delightful rural scene


  • scene (n.) 1530s, "subdivision of an act of a play," also "stage-setting," from Middle French scène (14c.), from Latin scaena, scena "scene, stage of a theater," from Greek skene "wooden stage for actors," also "that which is represented on stage," originally "tent or booth," related to skia "shadow, shade," via notion of "something that gives shade" (see Ascians). According to Beekes' sources, the Greek word "originally denoted any light construction of cloth hung between tree branches in order to provide shadow, under which one could shelter, sleep, celebrate festivities, etc."
scene / siːn ; NAmE siːn / noun place 地点 1 [countable ,  usually singular ] scene(of sth) the place where sth happens, especially sth unpleasant (尤指不愉快事件发生的)地点,现场 the scene of the accident/attack/crime 事故╱袭击╱犯罪的现场 Firefighters were on the sceneimmediately. 消防队立刻赶到现场。 synonyms at place event 事件 2 [countable ] scene(of sth) an event or a situation that you see, especially one of a particular type 事件;场面;情景 The team's victory produced scenes of joy all over the country. 球队的胜利使举国上下出现一派欢乐的场面。 She witnessed some very distressing scenes. 她目睹过一些令人非常痛苦的场面。 in movie/play, etc. 电影、戏剧等 3 [countable ] a part of a film/movie, play or book in which the action happens in one place or is of one particular type 场面;片段;镜头 The movie opens with a scene in a New York apartment. 电影开头的一场戏发生在纽约一套公寓里。 love/sex scenes 爱情戏;床上戏 I got very nervous before my big scene (= the one where I have a very important part). 在演那场重头戏之前,我非常紧张。 4 [countable ] one of the small sections that a play or an operais divided into (戏剧或歌剧的)场 Act I, Scene 2 of ‘Macbeth’ 《麦克佩斯》第 1 幕第 2 场 area of activity 活动领域 5 the scene , the… scene [singular ] ( informal) a particular area of activity or way of life and the people who are part of it 活动领域;界;坛;圈子 After years at the top, she just vanished from the scene. 她在圈内雄踞首位许多年,突然销声匿迹了。 the club/dance/music, etc. scene 俱乐部圈子、舞坛、音乐界等 A newcomer has appeared on the fashion scene. 时装界出现了一位新人。 view 景象 6 [countable ] a view that you see 景象;景色;风光 a delightful rural scene 赏心悦目的乡村风光 They went abroad for a change of scene (= to see and experience new surroundings). 他们出国换换环境。 synonyms at view painting/photograph 绘画;摄影 7 [countable ] a painting, drawing, or photograph of a place and the things that are happening there 表现…景色的绘画(或摄影)作品;以…风情为题材的绘画(或摄影)作品 an exhibition of Parisian street scenes 巴黎街景绘画作品展 argument 争吵 8 [countable ,  usually singular ] a loud, angry argument, especially one that happens in public and is embarrassing (尤指当众、有失体面的)争吵,吵闹 She had made a scenein the middle of the party. 她在聚会中间大闹了一场。 ‘Please leave,’ he said. ‘I don't want a scene.’ “请你走吧,”他说,“我不想争吵。” IDIOMS behind the ˈscenes 1 in the part of a theatre, etc. that the public does not usually see 在后台;在幕后 The students were able to go behind the scenes to see how programmes are made. 学生可以跑到后台,去看看节目是怎么制作出来的。 2 in a way that people in general are not aware of 秘密地;背地里;在幕后 A lot of negotiating has been going on behind the scenes. 广泛的谈判一直在秘密进行。 behind-the-scenes work 幕后工作 not sb's ˈscene ( informal) not the type of thing that sb likes or enjoys doing 不对某人的路子;不合某人的胃口 set the ˈscene (for sth) 1 to create a situation in which sth can easily happen or develop 为…做好准备(或铺平道路) His arrival set the scene for another argument. 他这一来,又会引起一场争论。 2 to give sb the information and details they need in order to understand what comes next (向…)介绍背景,事先介绍情况 The first part of the programme was just setting the scene. 节目的第一部份不过是介绍背景而已。 scene scenes scene / siːn ; NAmE siːn /
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