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- n. 救世主;救星;救助者
1. If she needs salvation, she will posit a savior.
2. But they want to make your world perfect and be your savior.
3. So she should pray that the baby be saved and that it glorify her savior and that all this wrong should be righted.
- savior (n.) c. 1300, "one who delivers or rescues from peril," also a title of Jesus Christ, from Old French sauveour, from Late Latin salvatorem (nominative salvator) "a saver, preserver" (source also of Spanish salvador, Italian salvatore), from salvatus, past participle of salvare "to save" (see save (v.)). In Christian sense, a translation of Greek soter "savior." Replaced Old English hælend, literally "healing," noun use of present participle of hælan (see heal).
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