- If it's the day before a big event and you have no idea what to wear and nothing in your closet is going to cut it, you are facing a sartorial dilemma — one that pertains to clothing, fashion, or dressing.
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- adj. 裁缝的;缝纫的;裁缝匠的
1. But for those who want to ensure that their sartorial style is inherited by their children there are plenty of labels from which to choose.
2. But in many places around the world, your sartorial choices can get you fined, imprisoned, or worse.
3. The sartorial shift has translated into sales gains for top brands.
- sartorial (adj.) "pertaining to a tailor," 1807, from Modern Latin sartorius, from Late Latin sartor "tailor" (source also of French sartre "tailor"), literally "patcher, mender," from Latin sart-, past participle stem of sarcire "to patch, mend," from PIE root *serk- "to make whole." Earlier in English in same sense was Related: sartorian (1660s). Sartorius as the name of the long leg muscle is because it is used in crossing the legs to bring them into the position needed to sit like a tailor. Related: Sartorially.
sar·tor·ial / sɑːˈtɔːriəl ; NAmE sɑːrˈtɔːriəl / adjective [only before noun ] ( formal) relating to clothes, especially men's clothes, and the way they are made or worn 服装的;(尤指)男装的;衣着的 ▶ sar·tor·ial·ly / sɑːˈtɔːriəli ; NAmE sɑːrˈtɔːriəli / adverb sar·tor·ial / sɑːˈtɔːriəl ; NAmE sɑːrˈtɔːriəl / sar·tor·ial·ly / sɑːˈtɔːriəli ; NAmE sɑːrˈtɔːriəli /
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