sardonically [sa:'dɔnikəli]  


sardonically  [sa:'dɔnikəli]

adv. 冷嘲地;讽刺地 

Gates inquires, sardonically, “Is it a dire threat that by 2020 the United States will have only 20 times more advanced stealth fighters than China?” 盖茨则讽刺地回问道,“到2020年,我们的隐身战机数量才比中国多20倍,这对美国而言真是个严重的威胁吗?”
" The young man asked sardonically in reply:" what am I doing now? 年轻人反问道:“那么,你认为我现在正在做什么呢?”

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  • adv. 冷嘲地;讽刺地
  • 1. Gates inquires, sardonically, “Is it a dire threat that by 2020 the United States will have only 20 times more advanced stealth fighters than China?”


  • 2. " The young man asked sardonically in reply:" what am I doing now?


  • 3. Some women at the University of Vermont, with an undergraduate body that is 55 percent female, sardonically refer to their college town, Burlington, as “Girlington.”

    佛蒙特大学高达55%的女生比例,更是让该校的女生笑称学校所在的柏林顿应该改名叫“女孩镇”(Burlington as “Girlington.”

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