sandstorm 英 ['sæn(d)stɔːm]   美 ['sænd'stɔrm]


sandstorm  英 ['sæn(d)stɔːm] 美 ['sænd'stɔrm]

n. [气象] 沙暴;大风沙 


There were millions of them around us – a locust sandstorm. 我们周围有数百万只蝗虫 – 一场蝗虫风暴。
A sandstorm is brewing at the Shousha refugee camp on Tunisia's border with Libya. 在突尼斯和利比亚边界的舒沙难民营,一场沙尘暴即将到来。

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  • n. [气象] 沙暴;大风沙
  • 1. There were millions of them around us – a locust sandstorm.

    我们周围有数百万只蝗虫 – 一场蝗虫风暴。

  • 2. A sandstorm is brewing at the Shousha refugee camp on Tunisia's border with Libya.


  • 3. Thanks to the mild climate and conservation efforts, Beijing had only one sandstorm last year, '' Guo Hu, head of the Beijing Meteorological Station, told the state-run Xinhua News Agency on Saturday.


sand·storm / ˈsændstɔːm ; NAmE ˈsændstɔːrm / noun a storm in a desert in which sand is blown into the air by strong winds 沙暴 sandstorm sandstorms sand·storm / ˈsændstɔːm ; NAmE ˈsændstɔːrm /
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