same 英 [seɪm]   美 [sem]


same  英 [seɪm] 美 [sem]

adj. 相同的;  adv. 同样地(通常与the连用) 


We have lived in the same house for twenty years. 我们在同一座房子里住了二十年了。
Our children go to the same school as theirs. 我们的孩子和他们的孩子上同一所学校。

  • Same means identical, similar, or unchanged. If you wear the same outfit as your best friend, your clothes will be exactly alike. That's NOT ok on prom night.
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  • adj. 相同的;
  • adv. 同样地(通常与the连用)
  • 1. We have lived in the same house for twenty years.


  • 2. Our children go to the same school as theirs.


  • 3. They both said much the same thing.


  • 4. He used the very same words.


  • 5. I bought the same car as yours .


  • 6. She was wearing the same dress that I had on.


  • 7. I would do the same again.


  • 8. I think the same as you do about this.


  • 9. There are several brands and they're not all the same.


  • 10. We treat boys exactly the same as girls.


  • same (adj.) perhaps abstracted from Old English swa same "the same as," but more likely from Old Norse same, samr "same," both from Proto-Germanic *samaz "same" (source also of Old Saxon, Old High German, Gothic sama, Old High German samant, German samt "together, with," Gothic samana "together," Dutch zamelen "to collect," German zusammen "together"), from PIE *samos "same," from suffixed form of root *sem- (1) "one; as one, together with."
same / seɪm ; NAmE seɪm / adjective , pronoun , adverb adjective 1 exactly the one or ones referred to or mentioned; not different 同一的;相同的 We have lived in the same house for twenty years. 我们在同一座房子里住了二十年了。 Our children go to the sameschool astheirs. 我们的孩子和他们的孩子上同一所学校。 She's still the samefun-loving person thatI knew at college. 她仍爱耍爱闹,还是上大学时的那副老样子。 This one works in exactly the sameway as the other. 这个跟那个运转方法完全一样。 They both said much the samething. 他们两人的话大致一样。 He used the very same (= exactly the same)words. 他用了完全相同的字眼儿。 I resigned last Friday and left that same day. 我上星期五辞了职,当天就离开了。 2 exactly like the one or ones referred to or mentioned (与…)相同的,一模一样的 I bought the samecar asyours (= another car of that type). 我买了一辆车,和你那辆一模一样。 She was wearing the samedress thatI had on. 她穿的连衣裙和我穿的一样。 The same thing happened to me last week. 上星期我也遇到了同样的事。 IDIOM Most idioms containing sameare at the entries for the nouns and verbs in the idioms, for example be in the same boatis at boat. 大多数含 same 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及动词相关词条找到,如 be in the same boat 在词条 boat 下。 ˈsame old, ˈsame old ( informal) ( especially NAmE) used to say that a situation has not changed at all 老样子;照旧不变 ‘How's it going?’ ‘Oh, same old, same old.’ “情况怎么样?”“哦,还是老样子。” pronoun 1 the same(as…) the same thing or things (和…)同样的事物,相同的事物 I would do the same again. 我愿再做同样的事。 I think the same as you do about this. 在这件事上,我的想法和你一样。 Just do the same as me (= as I do). 跟着我做就行了。 His latest movie is just more of the same—exotic locations, car chases and a final shoot-out. 他的最新影片只不过是老一套,异国的场景、追车场面,以及最后的一场枪战。 ( informal) ‘I'll have coffee.’ ‘Same for me, please (= I will have one too). “我喝咖啡。”“我也来一杯。” 2 the same(as…) having the same number, colour, size, quality, etc. (数目、颜色、大小、质量等)相同,一样 There are several brands and they're not all the same. 有好几个品牌,不一样的。 I'd like one the same as yours. 我要一个和你一样的。 3 the same ( BrE) the same person 同一个人 ‘Was that George on the phone?’ ‘The same (= yes, it was George). “是跟乔治通的电话吗?”“正是。” IDIOMS ˌall/ˌjust the ˈsame despite this 虽是这样;尽管如此 SYN nevertheless He's not very reliable, but I like him just the same. 他不太可靠,但我还是喜欢他。 ‘Will you stay for lunch?’ ‘No, but thanks all the same.’ “留下来吃午饭,好吗?”“不了,多谢。” All the same, there's some truth in what she says. 尽管如此,她说的还是有些道理的。 be all the ˈsame to sb to not be important to sb 对某人无关紧要(或无所谓) It's all the same to me whether we eat now or later. 我们现在吃也行,过一会儿吃也行 — 我无所谓。 ˌone and the ˈsame the same person or thing 同一个人;同一事物 It turns out that her aunt and my cousin are one and the same. 原来她姑妈就是我表姐。 (the) ˌsame aˈgain ( informal) used to ask sb to serve you the same drink as before 同样的(饮料)再来一份 Same again, please! 和刚才一样的,请再来一份! ˌsame ˈhere ( informal) used to say that sth is also true of you 我也一样;我也是 ‘I can't wait to see it.’ ‘Same here.’ “我巴不得马上看到它。”“我也一样。” (the) ˌsame to ˈyou ( informal) used to answer a greeting,an insult, etc. (回应问候、辱骂等)你也一样 ‘Happy Christmas!’ ‘And the same to you!’ “圣诞快乐!”“也祝您圣诞快乐!” ‘Get lost!’ ‘Same to you!’ “滚!”“你也滚!” adverb ( usuallythe same ) in the same way 同样 We treat boys exactly the same asgirls. 男孩、女孩我们完全同等对待。 ( informal) He gave me five dollars, same as usual. 和平时一样,他给了我五块钱。 same / seɪm ; NAmE seɪm /
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