run 英 [rʌn]   美 [rʌn]


run  英 [rʌn] 美 [rʌn]

v. 奔跑; 经营;运行 

进行时:running  过去式:ran  过去分词:run  第三人称单数:runs  名词复数:runs 

Can you run as fast as Mike?  你能和迈克跑得一样快吗?
run a hotel/store/language school  经营一家旅店╱商店╱语言学校

  • When you run, you move along quickly, and for a long time if you're running a marathon. You can also run a campaign or a business — you make them function.
  • 请先登录
  • v. 奔跑; 经营;运行
  • 1. Can you run as fast as Mike?


  • 2. run a hotel/store/language school


  • 3. I can't afford to run a car on my salary.


  • 4. Her life runs smoothly .


  • 5. Stop trying to run my life (= organize it)for me.


  • 6. a badly run company


  • 7. state-run industries


  • 8. Could you run the engine for a moment?


run / rʌn ; NAmE rʌn / verb , noun run runs ran running verb ( running , ran / ræn ; NAmE ræn / run ) move fast on foot 奔跑 1 [intransitive ] to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk 跑;奔跑 Can you run as fast as Mike? 你能和迈克跑得一样快吗? They turned and ran when they saw us coming. 他们看见我们过来,转身就跑。 She came runningto meet us. 她跑着来迎接我们。 The dogs ran off as soon as we appeared. 我们一露面狗就跑了。 HELP  In spoken English runcan be used with andplus another verb, instead of with toand the infinitive, especially to tell somebody to hurry and do something. 在英语口语中,run 可以和 and 加另一个动词连用,而不和 to 加动词不定式连用,尤用于叫某人赶快去做某事 Run and get your swimsuits, kids. I ran and knocked on the nearest door. 2 [transitive ] runsth to travel a particular distance by running 跑(某段距离) Who was the first person to run a mile in under four minutes? 是谁第一个用了不到四分钟跑完一英里? see also mile  (4 ) 3 [intransitive ] ( sometimesgo running ) to run as a sport 跑步;做跑步运动 She used to run when she was at college. 她上大学的时候经常跑步。 I often go running before work. 我常常在上班前跑步。 race 赛跑比赛 4 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to take part in a race 参加赛跑 run(in sth) He will be running in the 100 metres tonight. 今晚他将参加 100 米赛跑。 There are only five horses running in the first race. 只有五匹马参加第一场比赛。 runsth to run the marathon 参加马拉松比赛 Holmes ran a fine race to take the gold medal. 霍姆斯赛跑表现不错,获得了金牌。 see also runner  (1 ) 5 [transitive ,  often passive ] runsth to make a race take place 开始(比赛);使(比赛)开始 The Derby will be run in spite of the bad weather. 尽管天气恶劣,德比马赛仍将举行。 hurry 赶紧 6 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to hurry from one place to another 迅速赶往;匆忙跑(到另一处) I've spent the whole day running around after the kids. 我整天都跟在孩子们后面跑来跑去。 see also rat run manage 管理 7 [transitive ] runsth to be in charge of a business, etc. 管理;经营 to run a hotel/store/language school 经营一家旅店╱商店╱语言学校 He has no idea how to run a business. 他丝毫不懂企业管理。 Stop trying to run my life (= organize it)for me. 别老想操纵我的生活。 The shareholders want more say in how the company is run. 股东们想要在公司的经营管理上拥有更多的发言权。 a badly run company 经营不善的公司 state-run industries 国家经营的行业 see also running n.  (2 ) provide 提供 8 [transitive ] runsth to make a service, course of study, etc. available to people 提供,开设(服务、课程等) SYN organize The college runs summer courses for foreign students. 这所大学为外国学生开设暑期课程。 vehicle/machine 车辆;机器 9 [transitive ] runsth ( BrE) to own and use a vehicle or machine 拥有并使用(车辆或机器等) I can't afford to run a car on my salary. 我的工资养不起汽车。 10 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to operate or function; to make sth do this (使)运转,运行;操作 Stan had the chainsaw running. 斯坦开动了链锯。 ( figurative) Her life had always run smoothly before. 她以前的生活一直很稳定。 runon sth Our van runs on (= uses)diesel. 我们的货车用的是柴油。 runsth Could you run the engine for a moment? 你来操作一会儿发动机好吗? buses/trains 公共汽车;火车 11 [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) to travel on a particular route (按某路线)行驶 Buses to Oxford run every half-hour. 到牛津的汽车每半个小时发一趟。 All the trains are running late (= are leaving later than planned). 所有的列车都晚点了。 12 [transitive ] runsth (+ adv./prep.) to make buses, trains, etc. travel on a particular route 使(按某一路线)行驶;使运行 They run extra trains during the rush hour. 他们在交通高峰时段加开了列车。 drive sb 开车送某人 13 [transitive ] runsb + adv./prep. ( informal) to drive sb to a place in a car 开车送 Shall I run you home? 我开车送你回家好吗? move somewhere 移往某处 14 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to move, especially quickly, in a particular direction (向某处)快速移动 The car ran off the road into a ditch. 汽车猛地开出路面,掉进沟里。 A shiver ran down my spine. 我猛然感到脊背发凉。 The sledge ran smoothly over the frozen snow. 雪橇在结了冰的雪地上平稳地滑行。 The old tramlines are still there but now no trams run on them. 昔日的电车轨道还在,现在却没有电车在上面运行了。 15 [transitive ] runsth + adv./prep. to move sth in a particular direction 移动(某物) She ran her fingers nervously through her hair. 她紧张地用手指拨弄头发。 I ran my eyes overthe page. 我匆匆地看了看这一页。 lead/stretch 引导;伸展 16 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to lead or stretch from one place to another; to make sth do this (使)导向;引导;(使)伸展,延伸 + adv./prep. He had a scar running down his left cheek. 他左脸上竖着一道伤疤。 The road runs parallel to the river. 这条路和这条河是平行的。 runsth + adv./prep. We ran a cable from the lights to the stage. 我们从电灯那里拉了一条电缆通到舞台。 continue for time 持续 17 [intransitive ] run(for sth) to continue for a particular period of time without stopping 持续;延续 Her last musical ran for six months on Broadway. 她最后的音乐剧在百老汇连续上演了六个月。 This debate will run and run! 这场辩论会没完没了地继续下去! 18 [intransitive ] run(for sth) to operate or be valid for a particular period of time (在特定时间内)起作用,有效 The permit runs for three months. 许可证的有效期为三个月。 The lease on my house only has a year left to run. 我房子的租期只剩下一年了。 happen 发生 19 [intransitive ] ( usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时 ) to happen at the time mentioned (在某时间)发生 + adv./prep. Programmes are runninga few minutes behind schedulethis evening. 今晚播出的节目比预定的时间晚了几分钟。 The murderer was given three life sentences, to run concurrently. 这个杀人犯被判处三项无期徒刑,同时执行。 guns, drugs, etc. 枪支、毒品等 20 [transitive ] runsth (+ adv./prep.) to bring or take sth into a country illegally and secretly 走私;非法携运;秘密携带 SYN smuggle see also runner  (2 ) of story/argument 报道;论点 21 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to have particular words, contents, etc. 包含(某种词语、内容等) Their argument ran something like this… 他们的论点大致是这样的… + speech ‘Ten shot dead by gunmen,’ ran the newspaper headline. 报纸的标题为“枪手击毙十人”。 liquid 液体 22 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to flow 流淌;流动 The tears ran down her cheeks. 泪水顺着她的脸淌下来。 Water was running all over the bathroom floor. 浴室里水流满地。 23 [transitive ] to make liquid flow 使(液体)流动 runsth (into sth) She ran hot water into the bucket. 她把热水注入桶里。 to run the hot tap (= to turn it so that water flows from it) 拧开热水龙头 runsth for sb I'll run a bathfor you. 我去给你放洗澡水。 runsb sth I'll run you a bath. 我去给你放洗澡水。 24 [intransitive ] to send out a liquid 输出,放出(液体) Who left the tap running? 谁没关水龙头? Your nose is running (= mucusis flowing from it). 你流鼻涕了。 The smoke makes my eyes run. 烟熏得我直流眼泪。 25 [intransitive ] ( usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时 ) runwith sth to be covered with a liquid 被(液体)覆盖;流满 His face was running with sweat. 他满脸是汗。 The bathroom floor was running with water. 浴室的地面上全是水。 of colour 颜色 26 [intransitive ] if the colour runsin a piece of clothing when it gets wet, it dissolves and may come out of the clothing into other things 掉色;褪色 melt 熔化 27 [intransitive ] (of a solid substance 固体 ) to melt 熔化 The wax began to run. 蜡开始熔化了。 see also runny be/become 是;成为 28 [intransitive ] + adj. to become different in a particular way, especially a bad way 变成,成为,变得(尤指不利的变化) The river ran dry (= stopped flowing)during the drought. 这条河在干旱期间断流了。 Supplies are running low. 物资供应渐趋不足。 We've run shortof milk. 我们牛奶不够了。 You've got your rivals running scared. 你已经使对手感到恐惧了。 29 [intransitive ] runat sth to be at or near a particular level 达到,接近(某程度) Inflation was running at 26%. 通货膨胀达到了 26%。 of newspaper/magazine 报章杂志 30 [transitive ] runsth to print and publish an item or a story 发表;刊登 On advice from their lawyers they decided not to run the story. 根据他们的律师的建议,他们决定不刊载这篇报道。 a test/check 测试;检验 31 [transitive ] ~ a test/check (on sth) to do a test/check on sth (对…)进行(测试或检验) The doctors decided to run some more tests on the blood samples. 医生决定对血液样本再进行一些化验。 in election 选举 32 [intransitive ] to be a candidate in an election for a political position, especially in the US (尤指在美国)参加竞选 Bush ran a second time in 2004. *2004 年,布什第二次参选。 runfor sb/sth to run for president 竞选总统 runin sth to run in the election 参加竞选 compare stand v.  (16 ) of tights/stockings 裤袜;长袜 33 [intransitive ] ( NAmE) if tightsor stockings run,a long thin hole appears in them 脱针;脱丝;抽丝 SYN ladder IDIOMS Most idioms containing runare at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example run riotis at riot. 大多数含 run 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 run riot 在词条 riot 下。 come ˈrunning to be pleased to do what sb wants 赶紧做某人喜欢的事;急于应某人的要求 She knew she had only to call and he would come running. 她知道只要打个电话,他就会高高兴兴地照办。 ˈrun for it ( often used in orders 常用于命令 ) to run in order to escape from sb/sth 逃跑 ˌup and ˈrunning working fully and correctly 全面而准确地运行 It will be a lot easier when we have the database up and running. 等我们把数据库弄好以后,就省事多了。 more at close 2 adv. , hit v. PHRASAL VERBS ˈrun across sb/sth to meet sb or find sth by chance 偶然遇见(或看到) ˌrun ˈafter sb ( informal) to try to have a romantic or sexual relationship with sb 追求 SYN pursue He's always running after younger women. 他老是追年轻女子。 ˌrun ˈafter sb/sth to run to try to catch sb/sth 追逐;追赶 SYN pursue ˌrun aˈlong ( old-fashioned, informal) used in orders to tell sb, especially a child, to go away (尤用以命令儿童)走开 ˌrun aˈround with sb ( NAmE also ˈrun with sb ) ( usually disapproving) to spend a lot of time with sb 与(某人)厮混;互相往来 She's always running around with older men. 她老是跟年纪较大的男人来往。 ˈrun at sb [no passive ] to run towards sb to attack or as if to attack them 向某人冲去 He ran at me with a knife. 他拿着刀朝我冲过来。 ˌrun aˈway (from sb/…) to leave sb/a place suddenly; to escape from sb/a place 突然离开;逃离 He ran away from homeat the age of thirteen. 他十三岁时离家出走。 Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away. 看着一张张脸上那责备的神情,她突然想赶快溜走。 related noun runaway ˌrun aˈway from sth to try to avoid sth because you are shy, lack confidence, etc. 避开;躲避;回避 You can't just run away from the situation. 你不能就这么回避了事。 ˌrun aˈway with you if a feeling runs away with you,it gets out of your control 失去控制 Her imagination tends to run away with her. 她动辄想入非非。 ˌrun aˈway/ˈoff with sb | ˌrun aˈway/ˈoff (together) to leave home, your husband, wife, etc. in order to have a relationship with another person 与某人私奔 She ran away with her boss. 她与老板私奔了。 She and her boss ran away together. 她和老板一起私奔了。 ˌrun aˈway with sth 1 to win sth clearly or easily 轻而易举地赢得 2 to believe sth that is not true 相信(不真实的东西);误以为 I don't want you to run away with the impressionthat all I do is have meetings all day. 我不想让你误以为我整天的工作就是开会。 ˌrun back ˈover sth to discuss or consider sth again 再次讨论;重新考虑 SYN review I'll run back over the procedure once again. 我将重新考虑这个程序。 ˌrun sth ˈby/ˈpast sb ( informal) to show sb sth or tell sb about an idea in order to see their reaction to it 给某人看,说给某人听(以观察其反应) ˌrun ˈdown 1 to lose power or stop working 耗尽能量;停止工作 The battery has run down. 电池没电了。 2 to gradually stop functioning or become smaller in size or number 逐渐失去作用;萎缩;衰减 British manufacturing industry has been running down for years. 英国的制造业多年来一直在萎缩。 related noun rundown  (1 ) ˌrun sth↔ˈdown 1 to make sth lose power or stop working 使耗尽能量;使停止工作 If you leave your headlights on you'll soon run down the battery. 如果你让车头灯一直亮着,很快就会把电池耗尽。 2 to make sth gradually stop functioning or become smaller in size or number 使逐渐失去作用;使萎缩;使衰减 The company is running down its sales force. 公司正在削减销售人员。 related noun rundown  (1 ) ˌrun sb/sth↔ˈdown 1 (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机 ) to hit sb/sth and knock them/it to the ground 把…撞倒 2 to criticize sb/sth in an unkind way 恶意批评;说…的坏话;贬低 He's always running her down in front of other people. 他总是在别人面前说她的坏话。 3 to find sb/sth after a search (经过搜寻后)找到 ˌrun sb↔ˈin ( old-fashioned, informal) to arrest sb and take them to a police station 把某人扭送警察局 ˌrun sth↔ˈin ( BrE) (in the past) to prepare the engine of a new car for normal use by driving slowly and carefully (旧时)磨合运转,磨合驾驶 ( figurative) Whatever system you choose, it must be run in properly. 不管你选择什么样的体系,都必须经过适当的磨合。 ˌrun ˈinto sb ( informal) to meet sb by chance 偶然遇见,碰到(某人) Guess who I ran into today! 猜猜我今天碰见谁了! ˈrun into sth 1 to enter an area of bad weather while travelling 途中遭遇(恶劣天气) We ran into thick fog on the way home. 在回家的路上,我们遇上了大雾。 2 to experience difficulties, etc. 遇到(困难等) Be careful not to run into debt. 小心不要背上债务。 to run into danger/trouble/difficulties 遭遇危险╱麻烦╱困难 3 to reach a particular level or amount 达到(某种水平或数量) Her income runs into six figures (= is more than £100 000, $100 000, etc.). 她的收入达到了六位数。 ˈrun into sb/sth to crash into sb/sth 撞上 The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people. 公共汽车失控,撞上了一排人。 ˈrun sth into sb/sth to make a vehicle crash into sb/sth 开(车)撞上 He ran his car into a tree. 他开车撞上了一棵树。 ˌrun ˈoff ( BrE) (of a liquid 液体 ) to flow out of a container (从容器中)溢出,流出 ˌrun sth↔ˈoff 1 to copy sth on a machine (用机器)复印,复制 Could you run off twenty copies of the agenda? 你给我复印二十份会议议程好吗? 2 to cause a race to be run 举行,进行(赛跑等) The heats of the 200 metres will be run off tomorrow. *200 米预赛将在明天举行。 3 to make a liquid flow out of a container 使溢出;使流出 ˌrun ˈoff with sb | ˌrun ˈoff (together) = run away with sb ˌrun ˈoff with sth to steal sth and take it away 偷走 The treasurer had run off with the club's funds. 财务主管盗走了俱乐部的资金。 ˌrun ˈon to continue without stopping; to continue longer than is necessary or expected 持续;连续不断;拖延 The meeting will finish promptly—I don't want it to run on. 会议必须按时结束,我不想拖延下去。 ˈrun on sth [no passive ] if your thoughts, a discussion, etc. run ona subject, you think or talk a lot about that subject 以…为主题(或中心);围绕 ˌrun ˈout 1 if a supply of sth runs out,it is used up or finished 用完;耗尽 Time is running out for the trapped miners. 被困矿工的时间不多了。 2 if an agreement or a document runs out,it becomes no longer valid 过期;失效 SYN expire ˌrun ˈout (of sth) to use up or finish a supply of sth 用完,耗尽(供应品) We ran out of fuel. 我们的燃料用光了。 Could I have a cigarette? I seem to have run out. 给我一支烟可以吗?我的烟好像抽完了。 ˌrun ˈout on sb ( informal) to leave sb that you live with, especially when they need your help 弃某人而去;抛弃某人 ˌrun sb↔ˈout [often passive ] (in cricket 板球 ) to make a player stop battingby hitting the wicketwith the ball before the player has completed his or her run 将(正在跑的击球员)截杀出局 ˌrun ˈover if a container or its contents run over,the contents come over the edge of the container 溢出 SYN overflow ˌrun sb/sth↔ˈover (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机 ) to knock a person or an animal down and drive over their body or a part of it 撞倒并碾轧 Two children were run over and killed. 两名儿童被轧死了。 ˌrun ˈover sth to read through or practise sth quickly 快速阅读(或练习) She ran over her notes before giving the lecture. 讲课之前,她翻阅了一下自己的讲稿。 ˌrun sth ˈpast sb = run sth by/past sb Run that past me again. 把那件事再说给我听听。 ˌrun sb↔ˈthrough ( literary) to kill sb by sticking a knife, sword,etc. through them (用刀、剑等)刺死 ˌrun ˈthrough sth 1 to discuss, repeat or read sth quickly 匆匆讨论;快速阅读;很快地重复 He ran through the names on the list. 他快速浏览了一下名单。 Could we run through your proposals once again? 我们再简要讨论一下你的建议,好吗? 2 [no passive ] to pass quickly through sth 快速穿越;迅速传遍 An angry murmur ran through the crowd. 愤怒的抱怨声在人群中迅速蔓延。 Thoughts of revenge kept running through his mind. 报复的念头不断在他的脑子里闪过。 3 [no passive ] to be present in every part of sth 遍布 A deep melancholy runs through her poetry. 她的诗充满了深深的感伤。 4 to perform, act or practise sth 表演;扮演;排练 Can we run through Scene 3 again, please? 请大家再来排练一下第 3 场好吗? related noun run-through 5 to use up or spend money carelessly 挥霍 She ran through the entire amount within two years. 她不到两年就把所有的钱挥霍光了。 ˈrun to sth 1 to be of a particular size or amount 达到,有(某一规模或数量) The book runs to nearly 800 pages. 这本书有近 800 页。 2 ( especially BrE) if you or your money will not run to sth,you do not have enough money for sth 有足够…的钱;足够…之用 Our funds won't run to a trip abroad this year. 今年我们没有足够的钱去国外旅行。 ˌrun sth↔ˈup 1 to allow a bill, debt, etc. to reach a large total 积欠(账款、债务等);累积 SYN accumulate How had he managed to run up so many debts? 他怎么欠了这么多债? 2 to make a piece of clothing quickly, especially by sewing 赶制(衣服,尤指缝纫) to run up a blouse 赶制一件女式衬衫 3 to raise sth, especially a flag 竖起,升起(旗帜等) ˌrun ˈup against sth to experience a difficulty 遭遇(困难) The government is running up against considerable opposition to its tax reforms. 政府的税务改革遇到了相当大的阻力。 ˈrun with sb = run away/off with sb ˈrun with sth to accept or start to use a particular idea or method 采纳(某种想法、方法等) OK, let's run with Jan's suggestion. 好,咱们就照简的建议干吧。 noun on foot 徒步 1 [countable ] an act of running; a period of time spent running or the distance that sb runs 跑;跑步;跑步的时间(或距离) I go for a run every morning. 我每天早晨都去跑步。 a five-mile run 跑上五英里 Catching sight of her he broke into a run (= started running). 他一看见她就跑了起来。 I decided to make a run for it (= to escape by running). 我决定逃跑。 She took the stairs at a run. 她跑着上了楼梯。 see also fun run trip 旅程 2 [countable ] a trip by car, plane, boat, etc, especially a short one or one that is made regularly (尤指短程或定期,乘交通工具的)旅程,航程 They took the car out for a run. 他们开车出去兜风。 see also milk run , rat run , school run of success/failure 成功;失败 3 [countable ] a period of sth good or bad happening; a series of successes or failures 一段(幸运或倒霉的)时光;一系列(成功或失败) SYN spell a run of good/bad luck 一连串好运╱厄运 Liverpool lost to Leeds, ending an unbeaten run of 18 games. 利物浦队输给了利兹队,结束了连续 18 场不败的纪录。 of play/movie 戏剧;电影 4 [countable ] a series of performances of a play or film/movie 连续上演(或放映) The show had a record-breaking run in the London theatre. 这出戏在伦敦剧院连续上演,打破了演出纪录。 of product 产品 5 [countable ] the amount of a product that a company decides to make at one time 额定产量 The first print runof 6 000 copies sold out. 首印 6 000 册已全部售空。 money 6 [countable ,  usually singular ] runon the dollar, pound, etc. a situation when many people sell dollars, etc. and the value of the money falls 抛售(美元、英镑等) 7 [countable ,  usually singular ] runon a bank a situation when many people suddenly want to take their money out of a bank (到银行)挤提,挤兑 sudden demand 急需 8 [countable ,  usually singular ] runon sth a situation when many people suddenly want to buy sth 争购;抢购 a run on the band's latest CD 抢购这支乐队最新的激光唱片 way things happen 态势 9 [singular ] the runof sth the way things usually happen; the way things seem to be happening on a particular occasion 态势;状况;趋势;动向 In the normal run of thingsthe only exercise he gets is climbing in and out of taxis. 正常情况下,他的唯一运动就是上下出租车。 ( BrE) Wise scored in the 15th minute against the run of play (= although the other team had seemed more likely to score). 怀斯在比赛进行到 15 分钟的时候出人意料地得分。 in sports 体育运动 10 [countable ] a sloping track used in skiingand some other sports (滑雪或其他运动项目中的)坡道,滑道 a ski/toboggan, etc. run 滑雪道、雪橇滑道等 11 [countable ] a point scored in the game of cricketor baseball (板球或棒球中的)得分 Our team won by four runs. 我们队以四分的优势取胜。 see also home run in election 选举 12 [singular ] ( NAmE) an act of trying to get elected to public office 竞选 He made an unsuccessful run for governor in 2008. *2008 年他竞选州长失败。 for animals/birds 畜;禽 13 [countable ] ( often in compounds 常构成复合词 ) a confined area in which animals or birds are kept as pets or on a farm 饲养场 a chicken run 养鸡场 in music 音乐 14 [countable ] a series of notes sung or played quickly up or down the scale (顺着音阶的)急奏,急唱 in card games 纸牌游戏 15 [countable ] a series of cards held by one player 顺子 in tights/stockings 裤袜;长袜 16 [countable ] ( NAmE) = ladder n.  (3 ) illness 疾病 17 the runs [plural ] ( informal) = diarrhoea see also dry run , dummy run , trial run IDIOMS the common, general, ordinary, usual run (of sth) the average type of sth 普通类型 He was very different from the general run of movie stars. 他和一般的电影明星迥然不同。 give sb/get/have the ˈrun of sth to give sb/get/have permission to make full use of sth 允许某人充分使用;获准充分使用 Her dogs have the run of the house. 她的狗可以在家里自由活动。 give sb a (good) run for their ˈmoney to make sb try very hard, using all their skill and effort, in order to beat you in a game or competition 不让…轻易取胜;与…进行激烈竞争 on the ˈrun 1 trying to avoid being captured 躲避 He's on the run from the police. 他在躲避警方的追捕。 2 ( informal) continuously active and moving around 忙碌;不停地奔波 I've been on the run all day and I'm exhausted. 我忙了一整天,累极了。 Here are some quick recipes for when you're eating on the run (= in a hurry). 这是一些供匆忙用餐时用的快餐食谱。 more at long adj. , short adj. run / rʌn ; NAmE rʌn / ran / ræn ; NAmE ræn /
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