rumpled ['rʌmpld]  


rumpled  ['rʌmpld]

adj. 凌乱的;弄皱的  v. 弄皱;弄乱(rumple的过去式) 

Physically, Adams was a striking contrast to the gentle, slightly rumpled, professorial Hume. 从外表看,亚当斯与文雅的、衣着略显凌乱、学者派头的休姆形成了鲜明对比。
No disillusionment in him passing gas, drinking too much or seeing his rumpled underwear on my floor. 他没有万念俱灰,放毒气,喝得烂醉或者在我的地板上找皱巴巴的内裤。

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  • adj. 凌乱的;弄皱的
  • v. 弄皱;弄乱(rumple的过去式)
  • 1. Physically, Adams was a striking contrast to the gentle, slightly rumpled, professorial Hume.


  • 2. No disillusionment in him passing gas, drinking too much or seeing his rumpled underwear on my floor.


  • 3. The paper criticised the "characteristically rumpled" mayor for at one stage having his hands in his pockets during the ceremony.


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