ruefully ['ru:fəli]  


ruefully  ['ru:fəli]

adv. 可怜地;悲伤地 

Obama reacted to the defeats by ruefully observing: "Some election nights are better than others" and accepting he had taken a "shellacking" from the voters. 作为回应,奥巴马有些悲伤地承认“有些选举的确比别的来的让人开心”,也坦诚他被选民彻底“打败”了。
He says ruefully that he would testify that he assaulted the condemned to make them talk. 他悔恨地表示他将会作证证明他攻击了那几名死刑犯,以逼他们开口说话。

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  • adv. 可怜地;悲伤地
  • 1. Obama reacted to the defeats by ruefully observing: "Some election nights are better than others" and accepting he had taken a "shellacking" from the voters.


  • 2. He says ruefully that he would testify that he assaulted the condemned to make them talk.


  • 3. It is currently cheaper, an Indian businessman says ruefully, to export plastic granules to China and then import them again in bucket-form, than it is to make buckets in India.


  • ruefully (adv.) early 13c., reufulike; see rueful + -ly (2).
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