rpm 英 [ˌɑ: pi: ˈem]   美 [ˌɑr]


rpm  英 [ˌɑ: pi: ˈem] 美 [ˌɑr]

abbr. 每分钟转数(Revolutions Per Minute) 


Anyone with access to an rpm account can see the notes for that application. 任何拥有RPM帐户的人都能够看到这个应用程序的一些笔记。
Be aware that you can use rpm to distribute most anything—scripts, documentation, and data—and perform nearly any maintenance task. 您将发现,您可以使用 RPM 分发几乎所有内容(脚本、文档和数据),以及执行几乎所有维护任务。

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  • abbr. 每分钟转数(Revolutions Per Minute)
  • 1. Anyone with access to an rpm account can see the notes for that application.


  • 2. Be aware that you can use rpm to distribute most anything—scripts, documentation, and data—and perform nearly any maintenance task.

    您将发现,您可以使用 RPM 分发几乎所有内容(脚本、文档和数据),以及执行几乎所有维护任务。

  • 3. You may find it helpful to bump the release number each time you build an rpm, even if for your own use, to keep attempts separate.

    您会发现每次构建一个 RPM 时就增加版本编号对于将每次修改尝试都分开很有用,即使是供您自己使用。

rpm / ˌɑː piː ˈem ; NAmE ˌɑːr / abbreviation revolutions per minute(a measurement of the speed of an engine or a record when it is playing) 每分钟转数 rpm / ˌɑː piː ˈem ; NAmE ˌɑːr /
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