roper ['ropɚ]  


roper  ['ropɚ]

n. 制绳者;套绳者;诱人进入赌场者 


While these nations need their fair share of aid and technical assistance, they should also take the lead by cutting down on their own emissions, roper suggests. Roper建议,一方面这些国家应该得到属于它们的援助和技术支援的份额,同时它们也通过削减自己的排放来树立发展楷模作用。
“It takes a certain chutzpah to say the appropriate response to a financial crisis is to loosen regulations,” said Barbara roper of the Consumer Federation of America. 美国消费者联盟(Consumer Federation of America)的罗佩尔(Barbara Roper)说:"说出应对金融危机的合理方式是放松监管这种话,是要有点胆大妄为的劲头的。"

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  • n. 制绳者;套绳者;诱人进入赌场者
  • 1. While these nations need their fair share of aid and technical assistance, they should also take the lead by cutting down on their own emissions, roper suggests.


  • 2. “It takes a certain chutzpah to say the appropriate response to a financial crisis is to loosen regulations,” said Barbara roper of the Consumer Federation of America.

    美国消费者联盟(Consumer Federation of America)的罗佩尔(Barbara Roper)说:"说出应对金融危机的合理方式是放松监管这种话,是要有点胆大妄为的劲头的。"

  • 3. The survey, by market consultants GfK roper, said 84 percent of consumers worldwide have cut back on something due to the recession, with Americans feeling they are the worst hit.

    市场调研公司GfK Roper进行了本次调查,结果显示,全球84%的人因经济衰退而或多或少地收紧了开支,其中美国消费者觉得受冲击最大。

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