roll 英 [rəʊl]   美 [roʊl]


roll  英 [rəʊl] 美 [roʊl]

v. 卷;滚动;转动;  n. 卷,名单 

进行时:rolling  过去式:rolled  过去分词:rolled  第三人称单数:rolls  名词复数:rolls 

a roll of film 一卷胶卷
Wallpaper is sold in rolls. 壁纸论卷销售。

  • When something moves by rotating or spinning, it rolls. If your dog is smart enough, you can train her to roll a ball back to you after you roll it to her.
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  • v. 卷;滚动;转动;
  • n. 卷,名单
  • 1. a roll of film


  • 2. Wallpaper is sold in rolls.


  • 3. a roll of mints


  • 4. a chicken roll ,a cheese roll


  • 5. The kittens were enjoying a roll in the sunshine.


  • 6. Rolls of fat hung over his belt.


  • 7. the distant roll of thunder


  • 8. a drum roll


  • 9. The ball rolled down the hill.


  • 10. a dog rolling in the mud


  • 11. The traffic rolled slowly forwards.


  • 12. I rolled the string into a ball.


  • 13. Roll up your sleeves.


  • 14. Thunder rolled.


  • roll (n.) early 13c., "rolled-up piece of parchment or paper" (especially one inscribed with an official record), from Old French rolle "document, parchment scroll, decree" (12c.), from Medieval Latin rotulus "a roll of paper" (source also of Spanish rollo, Italian rullo), from Latin rotula "small wheel," diminutive of rota "wheel" (see rotary).
  • roll (v.) c. 1300 "turn over and over, move by rotating" (intransitive); late 14c. as "to move (something) by turning it over and over;" from Old French roeller "roll, wheel round" (Modern French rouler), from Medieval Latin rotulare, from Latin rotula, diminutive of rota "wheel" (see rotary). Related: Rolled; rolling.
roll / rəʊl ; NAmE roʊl / noun , verb roll rolls rolled rolling noun of paper/cloth, etc. 纸、织物等 1 [countable ] roll(of sth) a long piece of paper, cloth, film, etc. that has been wrapped around itself or a tube several times so that it forms the shape of a tube 卷;卷轴 a roll of film 一卷胶卷 Wallpaper is sold in rolls. 壁纸论卷销售。 see also toilet roll of sweets/candy 糖果 2 [countable ] roll(of sth) ( NAmE) a paper tube wrapped around sweets/candy, etc. 一管 a roll of mints 一管薄荷糖 bread 面包 3 ( also ˌbread ˈroll ) [countable ] a small loafof bread for one person 小面包条;小圆面包 Soup and a roll: £3.50 汤和面包卷:3.50 英镑 a chicken/cheese, etc. roll (= filled with chicken/cheese, etc.) 鸡肉卷、奶酪卷等 compare bun  (2 ) see also sausage roll , spring roll , Swiss roll of body 身体 4 [singular ] an act of rolling the body over and over 翻滚;打滚 The kittens were enjoying a roll in the sunshine. 那些小猫在阳光下嬉戏打滚。 5 [countable ] a physical exercise in which you roll your body on the ground, moving your back and legs over your head 滚翻;翻跟头 a forward/backward roll 前╱后滚翻 of ship/plane 船只;飞机 6 [uncountable ] the act of moving from side to side so that one side is higher than the other 摇晃;摇荡 compare pitch n.  (8 ) of fat 脂肪 7 [countable ] an area of too much fat on your body, especially around your waist 脂肪堆积的部位,肥胖的部位(尤指腰部) Rolls of fat hung over his belt. 一堆肥肉坠在他的腰带上。 list of names 名单 8 [countable ] an official list of names 花名册;名单 the electoral roll (= a list of all the people who can vote in an election) 选民名册 The chairman called/took the roll (= called out the names on a list to check that everyone was present). 主席点了名。 see also payroll  (1 ) sound 声音 9 [countable ] roll(of sth) a deep continuous sound 隆隆声;持续的轰鸣声 the distant roll of thunder 远处隆隆的雷声 a drum roll 咚咚的鼓声 of dice 骰子 10 [countable ] an act of rolling a dice 掷骰子 The order of play is decided by the roll of a dice. 比赛顺序是通过掷骰子决定的。 phonetics 语音学 11 = trill  (3 ) IDIOMS be on a ˈroll ( informal) to be experiencing a period of success at what you are doing 连连获胜;连续交好运 Don't stop me now—I'm on a roll! 现在别阻止我,我正鸿运当头呢! a ˌroll in the ˈhay ( informal) an act of having sex with sb 性交 verb turn over 翻转 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to turn over and over and move in a particular direction; to make a round object do this (使)翻滚,滚动 + adv./prep. The ball rolled down the hill. 球滚下了山。 We watched the waves rolling onto the beach. 我们望着波浪涌向海滩。 rollsth + adv./prep. Delivery men were rolling barrels across the yard. 送货人正把桶滚到院子一边。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to turn over and over or round and round while remaining in the same place; to make sth do this (使)原地转圈,原地打转 (+ adv./prep.) a dog rolling in the mud 在泥浆里打滚的狗 Her eyes rolled. 她那双眼睛滴溜溜地转动。 rollsth (+ adv./prep.) She rolled her eyesupwards (= to show surprise or disapproval). 她翻着白眼。 He was rolling a pencil between his fingers. 他用手指捻动着铅笔。 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] roll(sb/sth) over (onto sth) | roll(sb/sth) (over) onto sth to turn over to face a different direction; to make sb/sth do this (使)翻身,翻转 rollover (onto sth) She rolled over to let the sun brown her back. 她翻了个身,让太阳把她的背晒成古铜色。 rollonto sth He rolled onto his back. 他翻过身来仰面躺着。 rollsb/sth (over) (onto sth) I rolled the baby over onto its stomach. 我让婴儿翻过身去趴着。 to roll a dice/die (= in a game) 掷骰子 ( especially NAmE) She rolled her car in a 100 mph crash. 她在时速 100 英里时翻了车。 move (as if) on wheels 靠轮子滚动 4 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move smoothly (on wheels or as if on wheels); to make sth do this (使)滚动,移动 (+ adv./prep.) The car began to roll back down the hill. 汽车开始倒着往山下滑。 The traffic rolled slowly forwards. 车流缓缓地向前挪动。 Mist was rolling in from the sea. 薄雾从海上涌来。 rollsth (+ adv./prep.) He rolled the trolley across the room. 他推着手推车穿过房间。 make ball/tube 做成球╱管 5 [transitive ,  intransitive ] roll(sth) (up) (into sth) to make sth/yourself into the shape of a ball or tube 使…成球状(或管状) I rolled the string into a ball. 我把线绳儿绕成了一个球。 We rolled up the carpet. 我们把地毯卷了起来。 a rolled-up newspaper 卷成卷的报纸 I always roll my own (= make my own cigarettes). 我总是自己卷烟抽。 The hedgehog rolled up into a ball. 刺猬团成了一个球。 compare unroll  (1 ) fold clothing 叠衣服 6 [transitive ] to fold the edge of a piece of clothing, etc. over and over on itself to make it shorter 把(衣服的边)卷起来 rollsth up Roll up your sleeves. 把你的袖子挽起来。 rollsth + adv./prep. She rolled her jeans to her knees. 她把牛仔裤卷到了膝盖处。 make sth flat 使平坦 7 [transitive ] rollsth (out) to make sth flat by pushing sth heavy over it 使平坦;压平 Roll the pastry on a floured surface. 在撒了面粉的板面上将油酥面团擀平。 wrap up 包裹 8 [transitive ] rollsb/sth/yourself (up) in sth to wrap or cover sb/sth/yourself in sth (用某物)包裹,覆盖 Roll the meat in the breadcrumbs. 用面包屑将肉裹起来。 He rolled himself up in the blanket. 他把自己裹在毯子里。 of ship/plane/walk 船只;飞机;行走 9 [intransitive ,  transitive ] roll(sth) (+ adv./prep.) to move or make sth move from side to side (使)摇摆,摇晃 He walked with a rolling gait. 他摇摇晃晃地走着。 The ship was rolling heavily to and fro. 轮船剧烈地颠簸着。 compare pitch v.  (6 ) make sound 发出声音 10 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to make a long continuous sound 发出持续的声音 rolling drums 咚咚的鼓声 Thunder rolled. 雷声隆隆。 rollsth to roll your r's (= by letting your tongue vibratewith each ‘r’ sound) 发 r 的舌尖颤音 machine 机器 11 [intransitive ,  transitive ] when a machine rollsor sb rollsit, it operates 启动;开动 They had to repeat the scene because the cameras weren't rolling. 他们只好重新拍摄这个镜头,因为摄影机没有启动。 rollsth Roll the cameras! 开拍! IDIOMS be ˈrolling in money/it ( informal) to have a lot of money 非常富有;财源滚滚;腰缠万贯 let's ˈroll ( informal) ( especially NAmE) used to suggest to a group of people that you should all start doing sth or going somewhere 咱们开始干吧;咱们动身吧 rolled into ˈone combined in one person or thing 融为一体;集于一身 Banks are several businesses rolled into one. 银行集数种商业活动于一身。 ˌrolling in the ˈaisles ( informal) laughing a lot 大笑;笑声不断 She soon had us rolling in the aisles. 她很快就让我们笑个不停。 a rolling ˈstone gathers no ˈmoss ( saying) a person who moves from place to place, job to job, etc. does not have a lot of money, possessions or friends but is free from responsibilities 滚石不生苔,频迁不聚财 ˈroll on…! ( BrE) ( informal) used to say that you want sth to happen or arrive soon 赶快到来吧 Roll on Friday! 星期五快来吧! roll up your ˈsleeves to prepare to work or fight 捋起袖子;准备动手;摩拳擦掌 roll with the ˈpunches to adapt yourself to a difficult situation 使自己适应艰苦环境 more at ball n. , grave 1 n. , head n. , ready adj. , tongue n. PHRASAL VERBS ˌroll aˈround ( BrE also ˌroll aˈbout ) to be laughing so much that you can hardly control yourself 大笑不止 ˌroll sth↔ˈback 1 to turn or force sth back or further away 击退;使后退 to roll back the frontiers of space 拓展太空领域 2 ( NAmE) to reduce prices, etc. 降低,削减(价格等) to roll back inflation 减低通货膨胀 ˌroll sth↔ˈdown 1 to open sth by turning a handle 摇开;旋开 He rolled down his car window and started shouting at them. 他摇下车窗,朝他们大声喊起来。 2 to make a rolled piece of clothing, etc. hang or lie flat 展开,铺开,摊开(卷状物) to roll down your sleeves 捋下袖子 ˌroll ˈin ( informal) 1 to arrive in great numbers or amounts 大量涌入;滚滚而来 Offers of help are still rolling in. 仍然不断有人表示愿意提供援助。 2 to arrive late at a place, without seeming worried or sorry 姗姗来迟 Steve rolled in around lunchtime. 到午饭时分,史蒂夫才慢吞吞地来了。 ˌroll sth↔ˈout 1 to make sth flat by pushing sth over it 将…轧平 Roll out the pastry. 将油酥面团擀平。 2 to officially make a new product available or start a new political campaign 正式推出(新产品);开展(新的政治运动) SYN launch The new model is to be rolled out in July. 这种新型号将在七月份推出市场。 related noun roll-out ˌroll ˈover ( informal) to be easily defeated without even trying 不战自败;轻易认输 We can't expect them to just roll over for us. 我们不能指望他们会乖乖地向我们认输。 ˌroll sb↔ˈover ( BrE) ( informal) to defeat sb easily 轻易打败某人 They rolled us over in the replay. 他们在重赛中轻而易举地战胜了我们。 ˌroll sth↔ˈover ( technical 术语 ) to allow money that sb owes to be paid back at a later date 将(债务)转期;允许延期偿还(欠款) The bank refused to roll over the debt. 银行拒不允许延期偿还借款。 related noun rollover  (1 ) ˌroll ˈup ( informal) to arrive 到达 Bill finally rolled up two hours late. 比尔最终迟到了两个小时。 Roll up! Roll up! (= used to invite people who are passing to form an audience) 快来看哪!快来看哪! ˌroll sth↔ˈup to close sth by turning a handle (转动把手)关闭 She rolled up all the windows. 她关上了所有的窗户。 roll / rəʊl ; NAmE roʊl /
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