riverboat 英 ['rɪvəbəʊt]   美 ['rɪvɚ,bot]


riverboat  英 ['rɪvəbəʊt] 美 ['rɪvɚ,bot]

n. 江轮;内河船只 


He worked as a printer, riverboat pilot, reporter, lecturer, and literary man, and he lived in just about every kind of population center, from farms, small towns, and mining camps to great cities. 他曾从事印刷工、河道船舶引水员、记者、讲演者和文学家的工作,足迹几乎遍及每一种类型的人口居住地,其中有农场、小镇,也有矿区营地和大城市。
He spent two years learning the river and becoming a riverboat pilot, but his career on the river was ended by the Civil War. 他花了两年的时间学习有关河流的知识,成为河船引水员,但是内战终止了他的河上生涯。

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  • n. 江轮;内河船只
  • 1. He worked as a printer, riverboat pilot, reporter, lecturer, and literary man, and he lived in just about every kind of population center, from farms, small towns, and mining camps to great cities.


  • 2. He spent two years learning the river and becoming a riverboat pilot, but his career on the river was ended by the Civil War.


  • 3. Sam had secured the position for his brother as a gift, hoping to offer the shy boy an exposure to Sam’s own world of riverboat adventure.


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