ritually ['rɪtʃʊəli]  


ritually  ['rɪtʃʊəli]

adv. 仪式上地;依据仪式上地 

Rooney duly came on to be ritually abused by a suddenly vocal Anfield crowd – "Who's the scouser in the wig? 当安菲尔德人群突然高歌“谁是利物浦带假发的人”这一被滥用的仪式时,鲁尼准时上场。
Llullaillaco is also a well-known archaeological site; the mummified remains of three Inca children, ritually sacrificed 500 years ago, were discovered on the summit in 1999. 尤耶亚科火山也是著名的考古遗址,1999年在火山顶发现了三个印加(古代秘鲁土著人)儿童的木乃伊,他们是500年前的仪式上的祭品。

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  • adv. 仪式上地;依据仪式上地
  • 1. Rooney duly came on to be ritually abused by a suddenly vocal Anfield crowd – "Who's the scouser in the wig?


  • 2. Llullaillaco is also a well-known archaeological site; the mummified remains of three Inca children, ritually sacrificed 500 years ago, were discovered on the summit in 1999.


  • 3. The reference is to the practice of animal sacrifice in the Jewish Temple, where thousands of animals were ritually slaughtered every year as offerings to God, the meat being shared with the Priests.


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