rip 英 [rɪp]   美 [rɪp]


rip  英 [rɪp] 美 [rɪp]

vt. 撕;锯  vi. 裂开,被撕裂  n. 裂口,裂缝 

进行时:ripping  过去式:ripped  过去分词:ripped  第三人称单数:rips  名词复数:rips 

You should rip the cover off the box first. 你首先应当把这个盒子的封套扯掉。
The National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration are investigating what caused the fuselage to rip open at 36,000 feet. 国家安全运输委员会和联邦航空管理局正在调查是什么导致了机身在36,000尺的高空撕裂。

  • When you rip something, you tear it quickly or forcefully. It's almost always better to rip off a Band-Aid than to peel it off slowly.
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  • vt. 撕;锯
  • vi. 裂开,被撕裂
  • n. 裂口,裂缝
  • 1. You should rip the cover off the box first.


  • 2. The National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration are investigating what caused the fuselage to rip open at 36,000 feet.


  • 3. There is a good reason why democratic political systems tend to flourish in these kinds of societies: any incentive to rip the society apart to redistribute wealth is weak.


RIP 1 ( BrE) ( also R.I.P. US, BrE ) / ˌɑːr aɪ ˈpiː ; NAmE ˌɑːr aɪ ˈpiː / abbreviation rest in peace(often written on graves) 安息(通常书于墓碑) RIP / ˌɑːr aɪ ˈpiː ; NAmE ˌɑːr aɪ ˈpiː / rip / rɪp ; NAmE rɪp / verb , noun rip rips ripped ripping verb ( -pp- ) 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to tear sth or to become torn, often suddenly or violently (突然或猛烈地)撕破,裂开 rip(sth) I ripped my jeans on the fence. 我的牛仔裤在栅栏上划破了。 The flags had been ripped in two. 旗帜都被撕成了两半。 I heard the tent rip. 我听到了帐篷撕裂的声音。 ripsth + adj. She ripped the letter open. 她撕开那封信。 2 [transitive ] ripsth + adv./prep. to remove sth quickly or violently, often by pulling it 猛地扯开;突然拉开 He ripped off his tie. 他一把拽掉领带。 The carpet had been ripped from the stairs. 地毯已经从楼梯上拖走了。 3 [transitive ] ripsth ( computing ) to copy sound or video files from a website or CD on to a computer (从网站或 CD 上)撷取(音频或视频文件) 4 ( computing ) = rasterize IDIOMS let ˈrip (at sb) ( informal) to speak or do sth with great force, enthusiasm, etc. and without control 激动地说(或做);忘乎所以地说(或做) When she gets angry with her boyfriend, she really lets rip at him. 当她生男朋友气的时候,她真的对他破口大骂。 The group let rip with a single from their new album. 乐队充满激情地表演了他们新唱片中的一首单曲。 let ˈrip | let sth ˈrip ( informal) 1 to go or allow sth such as a car to go as fast as possible (使)全速前进 Once on the open road, he let rip. 一上空旷的公路,他就全速行驶。 Come on Steve—let her rip. 来吧,史蒂夫,全速前进吧。 2 to do sth or to allow sth to happen as fast as possible 尽快做;使尽快发生 This would cause inflation to let rip again. 这又将导致急剧的通货膨胀。 rip sb/sth aˈpart/to ˈshreds/to ˈbits, etc. to destroy sth; to criticize sb very strongly 摧毁;毁坏;猛烈抨击 more at heart , limb PHRASAL VERBS ˈrip at sth to attack sth violently, usually by tearing or cutting it 猛烈撕扯;用力割 ˌrip ˈinto sb (for/with sth) to criticize sb and tell them that you are very angry with them 责备;斥责 ˌrip ˈinto/ˈthrough sb/sth to go very quickly and violently into or through sb/sth (快速而猛烈地)钻入,穿透 A bullet ripped into his shoulder. 一颗子弹穿透了他的肩头。 ˌrip sb↔ˈoff [usually passive ] ( informal) to cheat sb, by making them pay too much, by selling them sth of poor quality, etc. 敲诈;讹诈 Tourists complain of being ripped off by local cab drivers. 游客抱怨被当地的出租车司机敲了竹杠。 related noun rip-off  (1 ) ˌrip sth↔ˈoff ( informal) to steal sth 偷窃;盗取 Thieves broke in and ripped off five computers. 盗贼破门而入,偷走了五台电脑。 ˌrip sth↔ˈup to tear sth into small pieces 把某物撕碎 He ripped up the letter and threw it in the fire. 他把信撕碎,扔到火炉里。 noun [usually singular ] 1 a long tear in cloth, paper, etc. (织物、纸张等)撕开的大口子 2 = rip current rip / rɪp ; NAmE rɪp /
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