right-on 英 [ˈraitˈɔn]   美 [ˈraɪtˈɑn, -ˈɔn]


right-on  英 [ˈraitˈɔn] 美 [ˈraɪtˈɑn, -ˈɔn]

adj. 入时的;完全正确的 


For the past year, Bridges has been doing his right-on impression of President Bush for audiences across the nation. 过去一年里,布里奇斯一直为全美各地的观众巡演,滑稽模仿布什总统演得惟妙惟肖。
Rather than spend their time checking if you have any new information, you can alert them with right-on-time updates. 您能够及时将更新通知到用户,而无需用户花费时间来检查您是否添加了新信息。

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  • adj. 入时的;完全正确的
  • 1. For the past year, Bridges has been doing his right-on impression of President Bush for audiences across the nation.


  • 2. Rather than spend their time checking if you have any new information, you can alert them with right-on-time updates.


  • 3. What’s not to like? From a Eurofederalist, right-on, PC, anti-Little Englander point of view?


ˌright-ˈon / ; NAmE / adjective ( BrE) ( informal, sometimes disapproving) having political opinions or being aware of social issues that are fashionable and left-wing 政见入时的;左倾的 right-on middle-class intellectuals 左倾的中产阶级知识分子 ˌright-ˈon / ; NAmE /
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