ricotta 英 [rɪ'kɒtə]  


ricotta  英 [rɪ'kɒtə]

n. 意大利乳清干酪 


Add the dressing and the ricotta to the pasta mixture and gently toss until just combined. 在混合沙拉中加入酱料和意大利乳清干酪,轻轻的搅拌直到完全混合。
The creamy topping can be supplemented with ricotta or fromage fraiche instead if you prefer. 如果你喜欢的话,面上的奶酪配料也可以选用意大利乳清干酪或者乳酪代替。

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  • n. 意大利乳清干酪
  • 1. Add the dressing and the ricotta to the pasta mixture and gently toss until just combined.


  • 2. The creamy topping can be supplemented with ricotta or fromage fraiche instead if you prefer.


  • 3. Add the dressing and the ricotta to the pasta mixture and gently toss until just combined。 Divide among serving plates and season with pepper to serve。


  • ricotta (n.) kind of Italian cottage cheese, 1877, earlier ricoct (1580s), from Italian ricotta, literally "recooked," from fem. past participle of Latin recoquere, from re- "again" (see re-) + coquere "to cook" (from PIE root *pekw- "to cook, ripen").
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