rhesus 英 ['ri:səs]   美 ['risəs]


rhesus  英 ['ri:səs] 美 ['risəs]

n. 恒河猴 


Most of what is known about these neurons comes from electrode recording experiments with rhesus monkeys. 关于这些神经元的认识大多来自对恒河猴的电极记录实验。
Fat Albert, one of her monkeys who she said was at one time the world’s heaviest rhesus, at 70 pounds, ate “nothing but an American Heart Association-recommended diet,” she said. 她实验中的一只名为“胖阿尔伯特”的猴子,体重接近32公斤(70磅),曾一度是世界上最重的一只恒河猴。 它“除了美国心脏协会推荐的食物以外,什么都不吃”,汉森博士介绍说。

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  • n. 恒河猴
  • 1. Most of what is known about these neurons comes from electrode recording experiments with rhesus monkeys.


  • 2. Fat Albert, one of her monkeys who she said was at one time the world’s heaviest rhesus, at 70 pounds, ate “nothing but an American Heart Association-recommended diet,” she said.

    她实验中的一只名为“胖阿尔伯特”的猴子,体重接近32公斤(70磅),曾一度是世界上最重的一只恒河猴。 它“除了美国心脏协会推荐的食物以外,什么都不吃”,汉森博士介绍说。

  • 3. Though rhesus monkeys feed mainly on leaves and roots, they supplement their diet with insects and other small animals.


  • rhesus 1827, from Modern Latin genus name of a type of East Indian monkey (1799), given by French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Audebert (1759-1800), said to be an arbitrary use of Latin Rhesus, name of a legendary prince of Thrace, from Greek Rhesos.
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