reverently ['rɛvərəntli]  


reverently  ['rɛvərəntli]

adv. 虔诚地,恭敬地 

He spoke reverently about colleges and loved walking around the Stanford campus. 他虔诚地谈到大学,说自己喜欢在斯坦佛校园漫步。
As the store clerk reverently lifted the object out of the case, I knew it would be too small. 当店员恭敬地从柜台里取出这个物品时,我知道它肯定太小了。

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  • adv. 虔诚地,恭敬地
  • 1. He spoke reverently about colleges and loved walking around the Stanford campus.


  • 2. As the store clerk reverently lifted the object out of the case, I knew it would be too small.


  • 3. There, many thousands of years ago, a nameless people reverently buried their loved ones.


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