


phrase. 使复活  phrase. 使(断层等)复露  phrase. 复苏(resurrect的过去式和过去分词) 

The followers of Jesus,though, very quickly believed that they had seen him after he died, so they believed they had seen the resurrected Jesus. 不过,耶稣的追随者,很快就相信他们在他死后见到了他,他们相信自己见到了复活的耶稣。
Not to worry: you're resurrected with cybernetics and nanotechnology so that you can go on a suicide mission to discover why colonies of humans are disappearing. 不用担心:你会在神经机械学和纳米技术下复活,让你能够执行一个自杀任务,去发现为什么人类殖民地不断消失。

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  • phrase. 使复活
  • phrase. 使(断层等)复露
  • phrase. 复苏(resurrect的过去式和过去分词)
  • 1. The followers of Jesus,though, very quickly believed that they had seen him after he died, so they believed they had seen the resurrected Jesus.


  • 2. Not to worry: you're resurrected with cybernetics and nanotechnology so that you can go on a suicide mission to discover why colonies of humans are disappearing.


  • 3. Because the name can always be resurrected with a private capture helper if needed, this approach gives you the opportunity to keep APIs clean without throwing useful information away.

    因为在需要时始终可以通过专有的捕获助手恢复名称,这个方法让您能够保持 API 整洁,同时不会删除有用的信息。

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