restrict 英 [rɪˈstrɪkt]   美 [rɪˈstrɪkt]


restrict  英 [rɪˈstrɪkt] 美 [rɪˈstrɪkt]

vt. 限制;约束;限定 

进行时:restricting  过去式:restricted  过去分词:restricted  第三人称单数:restricts 

Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns. 在城里车速不得超过每小时 30 英里。
We restrict the number of students per class to 10. 我们将每个班的学生人数限定为 10 人。

  • To restrict is to limit. If you want to eat more healthily, you might restrict, or limit, yourself to eating only foods containing fruits and vegetables –- like carrot cake and apple pie.
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  • vt. 限制;约束;限定
  • 1. Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns.

    在城里车速不得超过每小时 30 英里。

  • 2. We restrict the number of students per class to 10.

    我们将每个班的学生人数限定为 10 人。

  • 3. Fog severely restricted visibility.


  • 4. The long skirt restricted her movements.


  • 5. Access to the club is restricted to members only.


  • 6. I restrict myself to one cup of coffee a day.


  • restrict (v.) 1530s, from Latin restrictus, past participle of restringere (see restriction). Regarded 18c. as a Scottishism. Related: Restricted; restricting.
re·strict AWL / rɪˈstrɪkt ; NAmE rɪˈstrɪkt / verb 1 to limit the size, amount or range of sth 限制,限定(数量、范围等) restrictsth to sth Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns. 在城里车速不得超过每小时 30 英里。 We restrict the number of students per class to 10. 我们将每个班的学生人数限定为 10 人。 restrictsth Fog severely restricted visibility. 浓雾严重影响了能见度。 Having small children tends to restrict your freedom. 有了小孩往往会限制你的自由。 2 restrictsth to stop sb/sth from moving or acting freely 束缚;妨碍;阻碍 SYN impede The long skirt restricted her movements. 长裙妨碍了她的行动。 3 restrictsth (to sb) to control sth with rules or laws (以法规)限制 Access to the club is restricted to members only. 俱乐部仅对会员开放。 4 restrictyourself/sb (to sth/to doing sth) to allow yourself or sb to have only a limited amount of sth or to do only a particular kind of activity 约束;管束 I restrict myself to one cup of coffee a day. 我限制自己每天只喝一杯咖啡。 restrict restricts restricted restricting re·strict / rɪˈstrɪkt ; NAmE rɪˈstrɪkt /
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