restraining [rɪ'strenɪŋ]  


restraining  [rɪ'strenɪŋ]

adj. 抑制的;控制的;遏制的  v. 抑制;束缚(restrain的ing形式) 


As experience in writing is gained the Bengali writer has to evolve the restraining force from within himself. 在得到写作经验的同时,孟加拉语作者必须从自己心里发展出这种抑制的力量。
This bacteria not only gives a sour flavour to matured kimchi but also prevents excessive fermentation by restraining growth of other bacteria. 这种乳酸菌不但提供一种酸的风味来使泡菜成熟,而且通过抑制其它菌的生长而避免发酵过度。

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  • adj. 抑制的;控制的;遏制的
  • v. 抑制;束缚(restrain的ing形式)
  • 1. As experience in writing is gained the Bengali writer has to evolve the restraining force from within himself.


  • 2. This bacteria not only gives a sour flavour to matured kimchi but also prevents excessive fermentation by restraining growth of other bacteria.


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