restlessly ['restlisli]  


restlessly  ['restlisli]

adv. 不安地;慌张地 

Here, bored tigers crammed four or more to a cage, pace restlessly back and forth. 在这里,更多的笼子内挤满四匹或四匹以上不安却又百无聊赖的老虎。
They conversed in low tones and moved about restlessly, seeming uncertain as to what was expected of them. 他们低声交谈着,惶惶不安地四处走动,仿佛不明白要他们来做什么事儿似的。

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  • adv. 不安地;慌张地
  • 1. Here, bored tigers crammed four or more to a cage, pace restlessly back and forth.


  • 2. They conversed in low tones and moved about restlessly, seeming uncertain as to what was expected of them.


  • 3. Stocky and tough-looking (his face bears the legacy of a car accident at 18, which required extensive plastic surgery), Sorrell is a coiled spring – restlessly shifting while we talk.


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