respond 英 [rɪˈspɒnd]   美 [rɪˈspɑnd]


respond  英 [rɪˈspɒnd] 美 [rɪˈspɑnd]

v. 回答;响应 

进行时:responding  过去式:responded  过去分词:responded  第三人称单数:responds 

I asked him his name, but he didn't respond. 我问他叫什么名字,可他没回答。
She never responded to my letter. 她从来没给我回过信。

  • Invited to a great party? You might respond by shouting "Hooray!" and then letting your friend know you'll be there. To respond is to react or reply.
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  • v. 回答;响应
  • 1. I asked him his name, but he didn't respond.


  • 2. She never responded to my letter.


  • 3. ‘I'm not sure,’ she responded.


  • 4. How did they respond to the news?


  • 5. The car responds very well to the controls.


  • 6. The infection did not respond to the drugs.


  • respond (v.) c. 1300, respound, from Old French respondere "respond, correspond," from Latin respondere "respond, answer to, promise in return," from re- "back" (see re-) + spondere "to pledge" (see spondee). Modern spelling and pronunciation is from c. 1600. Related: Responded; responding.
re·spond AWL / rɪˈspɒnd ; NAmE rɪˈspɑːnd / verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( rather formal) to give a spoken or written answer to sb/sth (口头或书面)回答,回应 SYN reply I asked him his name, but he didn't respond. 我问他叫什么名字,可他没回答。 respond(to sb/sth) (with sth) She never responded to my letter. 她从来没给我回过信。 + speech ‘I'm not sure,’ she responded. “我不肯定。”她答道。 respondthat… When asked about the company's future, the director responded that he remained optimistic. 问到公司的未来的时候,经理回答说他依然乐观。 note at answer 2 [intransitive ] respond(to sth) (with sth/by doing sth) to do sth as a reaction to sth that sb has said or done 作出反应;响应 SYN react How did they respond to the news? 他们对这则消息有什么反应? The government responded by banning all future demonstrations. 政府的反应是今后禁止一切示威活动。 3 [intransitive ] respond(to sth/sb) to react quickly or in the correct way to sth/sb 反应灵敏;作出正确反应 The car responds very well to the controls. 这辆汽车操纵自如。 You can rely on him to respond to a challenge. 你可以信赖他,他懂得应付挑战。 4 [intransitive ] respond(to sth) to improve as a result of a particular kind of treatment 有改进;见起色;显出效果 The infection did not respond to the drugs. 这些药物对感染没有起作用。 respond responds responded responding re·spond / rɪˈspɒnd ; NAmE rɪˈspɑːnd /
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